=>You Can't Do That<=

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"Thanks, lads. I had a wonderful time.", Kathy said as she hopped off the Ringo's car. George and Richard waved back and grinned.

"Ringo, thanks for the hot cocoa. And George, thanks for your time. You really took my mind off what happened.", she added, and George placed his hand on his heart dramatically. Ringo chuckled at this.

"Take care, Kathy. You have our numbers. Call us when you need anything, ey?", George reminded, and Kathy nodded. The car drove off and she turned around to look at their house, the one she shared with the man who broke her heart just a few moments ago.

"I can't believe I'm still here.", she said, shaking her head. She searched her jacket pocket for the keys, but they weren't there. She felt her jeans pocket, but they still weren't there.

She opened her bag and looked for them, but to her dismay, they weren't there.

"Sh*t. They're with Paul.", she cursed, rolling her eyes.

"Why didn't I f**king get a duplicate of those stupid keys? Idiot!", she murmured, sitting on the step infront of the door. She had to face reality: she was gonna wait for Paul.

Minutes passed by, and it started getting dark. She hasn't told this to anyone, but she was afraid of the dark.

"Bloody hell, where is he?", she continued, shifting in her position. She was uncomfortable being alone outside their house.

Due to the day's events, she slowly started to doze off. She tried fighting it, but her eyes kept closing shut.

She didn't know how long she slept, because the next thing she knew she was lying on the couch in their living room.

"Wha- how did I-"

"I carried you.", she was cut off by none other than the man she wanted to see last. Kathy met his gaze and rolled her eyes.

Paul, on the other hand, looked worried about her. He didn't know how long she sat outside their house. When he arrived, she was already sleeping with her mouth open and with her head leaning on the doorframe.

Very attractive.

"I thought you won't be coming home.", he said again, breaking the awkwardness. She continued to ignore him, and sat down on the couch.

"You're really not speaking to me?", he asked, but of course, she didn't respond. He sighed and went upstairs to change.

Her eyes followed him as he ascended the stairs. She didn't know what to feel: happiness because he was still concerned for her after all, anger because he had the nerve to speak to her after all the things he said to her, or sadness because she wanted to talk to him so badly but her pride was hindering her from doing so.

"Why does he make things always so bloody complicated?", she muttered, running her fingers through her hair.

She stood up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen. It was already 7:30 PM, and she knew it was time for supper.

She looked inside the refrigerator for ingredients, and found fish, veggies and some fruits.

"Great.", she muttered. She decided to make stuffed fish with the ingredients she had. As soon as she closed the refrigerator, sshe turned around only to bump into Paul.

"Oops, careful. Don't wanna have a repeat of what happened at your mum's house.", he said, smiling at the memory.

She still didn't speak, and walked past him towards the counter. Paul sighed at this, but sorta found it cute that she was playing hard-to-get.

She was about to slice the veggies when she noticed she didn't have a knife and chopping board. She searched for them, but they weren't on the counter.

"Looking for these?", he said, holding the two items in the air. She looked at him and strode towards him, reaching for them.

"Uh, uh. What do you say?", he teased, pulling the things she needed away from her. She looked at him with a cocked eyebrow and crossed arms.

"I'm not playing games with you, McCartney.", she stated, staring at him. He just smirked at her.

"Why don't you reach them then?", he said, and Kathy rolled her eyes, a thing she now often did.

She approached him and grabbed the two objects, not without leaning closely into Paul, just like he expected.

He let go of the two items and embraced her, taking her by surprise.

"What the bloody hell-"

A pair of familiar lips collided with hers, making her shut up. Paul's hand made its way to the back of her head, the other to her waist.

Kathy tried fighting him by hitting his back with her hands, but he wouldn't budge. She later got lost in the moment, and her hands slowly wrapped around his neck.

Paul deepened the kiss, and moved forward, making Kathy walk backward and bump into the counter.


"Sorry.", he said, and resumed. Kathy moved in sync with him, but suddenly snapped back into reality and pushed him away.

"No! You will not be doing this to me, Paul. I am mad at you. You will not distract me.", she stated, walking away from him and to the dining room.

Paul just watched her and touched his lips, smiling at what had occurred just a few seconds ago. He heard a voice from the dining room speak.

"I f**king hate you, Paul."

He smirked and replied.

"Oh, we both know you mean the opposite of that, darling."

An Arranged Match // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now