Movie Night

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Welcome Lovelies! TinyTuff here. I hope my writing isn't too bad for you girls/boys! Please enjoy and feel free to request a suggestion or request your own ! I love you guys and keep on reading!!! Remember to vote, comment (no hate comments please!!!), and follow me for more reading material!
- TT

You and Brendon sat down on your couch watching (Favorite Movie). As the movie played, Brendon was busy texting on his phone. "Bren, come on. The movie is playing! Stop texting!" You whined to the brown eyed man next to you. He didn't say anything. You gave him an annoyed look and grabbed his phone. "Who're you texting?" You ask as you scrolled through his messages. "(Name) give it back!" He whined as you climbed over the couch, reading the text. "Are you free tonight?" You began reading out his messages. "(Name) just give me..." You jumped onto one of the kitchen chairs, continuing to read the text. "Yeah. Just give me an hour. (Name) annoyingly insisted on watching this... stupid... movie... I'll call you when it's over, Sarah, okay?" You looked down at Brendon. "You're dating Sarah?" Brendon looked away. "I can't believe this... You, of all people, know what she did to me in high school. And you're going out with her!?" Brendon rolled his eyes. "Get over it, (Name)! It was years ago." He says in an annoyed tone. "You know what, Brendon? Just go." You jumped down from the chair and shoved his phone to his chest. "(Name), come on." He says as you both walk to the door. "Leave, Brendon. Don't bother coming back." You tell him as you walk upstairs.


Several months pass since that night, and you never felt more miserable. You hated that Brendon was dating Sarah. It's not just because she bullied you in high school, but because you have been in love with Brendon Urie since Middle School. Of course no one ever knew this secret... except for Dallon Weekes and Kenny Harris. You sat in a local cafe, sipping your (Type of Coffee). You just got finished writing a chapter for a book you're writing. "(Name)?" You look up at the sound of your name to find Dallon and Kenny. You smile at the two. "Hey guys, what's up?" They both sat across from you. "We haven't seen you in a while. Are you and Brendon fighting?" Dallon asked. You shook your head. "No, everything's fine. I've just been really busy." Kenny sighed. "Have you heard?" You looked at the two men, confused. "Heard what?" Dallon and Kenny looked at each other then at you.  "Brendon and Sarah are engaged." You looked at them shocked. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Brendon never knew how you felt. And now he probably never will. "I'm glad they're happy." You tell the two men. They looked at you in disbelief. "Come on, (Name). It's us."  You sighed. "What can I do, guys? He loves her, not me." Dallon sighed. "Maybe if you told him how you felt, he would call off the engagement." You shook your head. "No. It's over." You stood up and walked out of the cafe.

You drove to your house. You needed to focus on this book more than ever now.  You pulled into your driveway, next to a familiar black car. You sighed. You did not want to hear the news a second time. You stepped out of your car and closed the door. You walked up to the porch to find Brendon sitting on the steps. You stood a few feet away from the  porch. "Hey." He says softly as he stood up. "What are you doing here? I told you to never come back."  Brendon sighed. "(Name) this is ridiculous. You're my best friend. I haven't spoken to you in months, and I need you these next several months." You sighed. "Look, Brendon... I wouldn't have such a huge problem with it if you didn't say that I annoyingly insisted on watching that stupid movie. You could've said no. And you don't need me. What you need to do is go find your fiancé and plan your wedding." Brendon looks at you surprised. "You know? How'd you know?" Brendon asked curiously. "What else could you need me for?" Brendon sighed. "(Name)... " You sighed. "You know what? Brendon, it's best if we don't ever talk to each other again." Brendon's chocolate brown eyes widened. "What? Why?" You sighed as your eyes became glossy. "Because Brendon, I'm in love with you." You walked past him and into your house. He stared at the door. "Guess it's over then..." He walked to his car and drove home to his fiancé.

~Well, is here's that! Hope it wasn't too bad. Keep on reading! I'll try to update frequently!!!

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