Out of the Blue

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Request by @Anna_Styles_6 !

Thanks for requesting! Super appreciate it!


"[Name], are you coming or what?" Your friend, [Friend's name] whines to you. You were getting ready to go to a concert with some of your friends. They got into this concert for free since they were friends with this band. You wore a [Band of Choice]  tee with some black skinny jeans and [color] vans. Your [hair color] hair bounced as you trotted down the stairs of your house. "How the hell do you make a band tee look so good?" Another one of your friends asks. You laugh slightly. "Let's go before we're late," You usher them out of your house and into [Friend]'s car.

Once at the venue, you and your friends get VIP passes, giving you access to backstage. They take you to meet the band, which happens to be a well known band called Panic! At the Disco. "Hey! You guys made it!" The front man of the band, Brendon Urie, hugs all of your friends. He looks at you. "Hi, I'm Brendon," You give him a polite smile. "Hi, I'm [Name],"  Brendon introduces his friends, who also happen to be the rest of the band: Mike, Nicole, and Dan.

After the show, you and your friends hung out with Brendon and his friends. You guys went to the band's hotel suite and partied together. You guys sat on the couches, talking and laughing, getting to know each other. That was the night you realized... you had a crush on Brendon.

The next few months, all of you hung out almost every weekend, mostly after their shows. The more you all hung out, the harder you were falling for Brendon. But every weekend he had a different date, each one of them tall and beautiful. His choices in women made it clear to you that you weren't even in that league.

"[Name], Brendon and the guys wanna have a little get together tonight, you down?" You and [Friend] were at your house. Usually, you can swallow your bottled up feelings for Brendon, but day was different somehow. "I don't think I can, if Brendon is bringing a date," [Friend] stares at you empathically. "If he isn't showing you any interest... why don't you go for another guy. Mike seems like a nice guy, right?" You nod energetically. "You're right! I can't let one guy get me down in the dumps," [Friend] grins at you. "Let's show Brendon that you don't give no fucks about his countless dates!"

Everyone shows up at Brendon's place. There's beer and snacks and video games and music. Brendon, for once didn't bring a date. So, it was just the guys. "Mike!" [Friend] calls Mike over to you guys. He smiles at you two. "Hey, what's up?" [Friend] proceeds to tell him about your dilemma before leaving you two alone. "He/she is a little insane," You mention to Mike. He laughs. "So, you must really like him, huh?" You nod. "I don't want to get into anything new until my feelings for him are gone. It wouldn't be right to date someone while pining for someone else," Mike nods in agreement. "I understand. Sometimes, you just have to let it play out,"

As you and Mike chat, this catches Brendon's attention. "Hey, [Friend]," Brendon calls out to him/her. "What's up?" Brendon is still looking at you and Mike. "They really seem to be hitting it off, huh?" [Friend] states, watching Brendon's reaction. "You think they're... dating?" Brendon inquires, his eyes never leaving the two of you. [Friend] shrugs and walks away from Brendon, leaving him to his thoughts.

Mike leaves you to use the bathroom. You walk out onto the terrace, getting some fresh air.  "Hey," You turn around. Brendon walks up to you, staring at the clear sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" You say softly. He looks at you, curiously. "Are you and Mike dating?" The bluntness of his question caught you off guard. "If you are, I'm just saying, it's probably not a good idea," You raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care if I date Mike?" Brendon stands up straight. "I-I don't. I'm just saying if you guys date and end up breaking up, it'll cause problems for the group," You nod skeptically. "I'll keep that in mind,"

"Hey, where'd you go?" Mike questions as you walk back to him. "Talking to Brendon apparently," Mike raises an eyebrow. "For a girl who is trying to get over said boy, you don't look like you're trying to get over the boy," You laugh. "Hah, you're funny. He came to me, actually," Mike listens to your story. As he's listening to it, an idea pops into his head. "Hm... that's oddly suspicious," You nod in agreement. "There's no way to know if he's actually lying. I mean, why would he even lie?" You inquire. "What if he's jealous?" You raise a brow at him. "That's not possible. I'm not even in his league. Even if he was, how can we be sure?" Mike grins at you. "I have an idea,"

Two weeks pass by. The band went on a two week tour and they were got back yesterday. The group was getting together tonight to celebrate the band being back home. "Tonight is the night!" Mike tells you. "Are you ready?" You nod. "Let's see what happens!" You say energetically. "Two of you energetic? I don't think I can handle this," [Friend] says looking between you and Mike.

Once the whole group shows, Brendon plays some music as everyone mingles with each other. You and Mike are standing near a wall. Mike's back is facing Brendon while you lean against the wall. "Okay, is he looking?" You nod. Mike walks in front of you, closing the space between you two. He brings his face close enough to where you can feel his hot breath. "Hey!" Mike was suddenly pushed away.

Brendon watched as Mike closed in on you. Something inside of him stirred the wrong way. The closer he got, the more his skin crawled. He couldn't take the strange feeling. He quickly walked over to you and Mike before his lips could touch yours. "Hey!" Brendon pushes Mike off of you. "Hey, man! What's the deal?"

You watch as Brendon's large brown eyes showed anger and something you couldn't quite pick out. "You don't need to be kissing her!" Brendon exclaims. "I can kiss whoever I want! I don't need your permission!" Mikey retorted. "Well, you don't kiss her!" He emphasized 'her'. "What is that supposed to mean?" You spoke up, without thinking. Everyone watches as the argument continues. "I--" "Do you honestly think I can't date anyone? Am I really that unappealing?" You joined in on the argument. "No, I--" "Brendon, why do you even care if he kisses me or not?" At this point, you forgot what the whole point of the plan was. You and Mike wait for an answer. Brendon suddenly spaces out.

Why do I care about this? What am I even doing? I don't have a problem with Mike. Why do I care about him kissing her soft and luscious lips. Wait, no. That's... her lips do look soft. And her hair is soft and [short/long]. Wait, do I... oh my god, I...

"Brendon, hello??" You and Mike were trying to snap Brendon out of his trance. "This is ridiculous! You can't get out of this just because you don't want to--" "I'm in love with you," Brendon blurts out. Everyone is surprised by his words. "Wait, wh-" "I love you, [Name]. I never... realized it, but... I... love you. You're smart a-and funny. You're caring and feisty, and... I never realized how beautiful you are. [Name], I love you. So, please don't... don't kiss Mike. I don't want you to kiss anyone unless..." "Unless?"  You repeat. "Unless it's me," Brendon states confidently. He walks up to you, bringing your lips to his. His lips were soft, almost like a cloud. "YEAH!" Mike and [Friend] high five. Brendon pulls away from you, and look at the group. They had on cheesy grins and high fiving each other.  "Do I wanna know what that's about?"  He asks. Your cheeks were bright red. "Not really," He pulls you to him. "You'll be mine, won't you?" You smile at him. "I thought you'd never ask," He kisses you once more, living in the moment.

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