Movie Night Part Two

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Hello Beautiful Readers!!! Im terribly sorry for not posting as much as you all would like... but I'll try to be better about that. :) Enjoy~~~


"Wait, you what?" Dallon asked you as you two sat in your living room. "I told him and I said it was over." Dallon sighed dramatically. "Are you suffering some kind of disorder here? You told Brendon, our best friend and the love of your life, that you were in love with and you completely wrote him off!?" Dallon exclaimed, standing up suddenly. "He's engaged!! He's gunna get married in a week! What was the point of talking about my feelings!?" You exclaimed back. "Why do you think he came to your house!? He wanted you to give him a reason to call off the engagement. As his best friend it's your right to do that!!" You sat there in shock. Was it true? Did Brendon want a reason to call off the engagement? "There's nothing to do now, Dal. He's getting married, he won't listen to me now."  Dallon sighed. "Unless you go to the wedding and object to their marriage." You looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you high? His mother would kill me!" The front door suddenly opened and in walked Brendon's mother. "I proposed the idea to Dallon, Sweetheart." You gapped at her presence. "But, why would you...?" She walked over to you and placed her hands on your shoulders. "Because (Name) you have always been in love with my son. And I would much prefer to have you as a daughter than Sarah." You stared at her with glossy (eye color) eyes. "We have to get you to crash this wedding."


You stood outside of the venue of the wedding. You were nervous as hell. Confessing your feelings to Brendon in front of everyone he loves and his fiancé. It was a big crowd. (By The Way, I have no idea how their wedding went so just bear with me.)
You hid behind a tree waiting for Brendon's mom to signal you. You took a deep breath and looked up at her. She nodded vigorously. You ran out into the aisle. "Does anyone object?" The minister asked. "I do." You spoke out loud enough for everyone to hear. Brendon and Sarah turned around. " Sarah glared at you and Brendon was surprised. Dallon gave you a secret thumbs up for good luck. You took another breath. "Brendon, you can't marry Sarah because I'm in love with you." Everyone gasped. "(Name)..." Brendon muttered. "Look, I know I told you we shouldn't talk ever again but that's not true. Bren, I've been in love with you since Middle School. I know everything about you. Everything that there is to know about you and... it all just made me fall for you every single day.  Brendon, there's not a day, an hour, a minute or even a second where I don't think about you. About us. I never told you any of this because... you're Brendon. You're amazing in every way imaginable and I honestly don't deserve you. Just please don't marry her. I'm sure she's awesome to you and..." Brendon cut you off by running up to you and pulling you in for a hug. "I'm in love with you too." He whispered. He turned to Sarah. "I'm sorry but I can't marry you,Sarah," Everyone gasped once more. Brendon turned to you. "(Your full name) will you marry me? Like Months from now?" Brendon asked you softly. Your eyes got glossy. "Why did you think I crashed your wedding you idiot? Of course!" Brendon grinned and crashed his lips onto yours. You two shared a very passionate kiss. Everyone awed.  "You choose that loser bitch over me !?" Sarah exclaimed. "You don't know who she really is!!!" Your eyes widened. "Sarah..." You say, trying to stop her. "She murdered her parents!!!" Everyone gasped and began to whisper to each other. Brendon looked down at you. "What is she talking about?" He asked confused. You shook your head. "I'm sorry... this was a mistake..." You whispered before running out of the venue to your (type of car). Brendon ran after you. You tried to get in your car as fast as you could but he pinned you to the car. "What is going on? What is Sarah talking about?" Brendon asked. "I can't tell you. You're gunna hate me..." Brendon kissed your lips softly. "We are best friends aren't we? You know you can tell me anything." You took a deep breath. "Okay... this is what happened..."

Aaaaannnnnnndddddd that is part two!!! Hope ya like it. Comment, vote, follow me, request something. There will be a part three!!!! :)

-Tiny Tuff

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