You're A What!?

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You were currently dating the famous and the gorgeous Brendon Urie. You two met once at one of his concerts in London. He took interest of you and asked you out. He's been trying to get to know everything there is to know about you, but you couldn't let him find out your deepest secret: The fact that you're a witch.

"Where are you going?" A blond man asked as you headed to the door of your huge mansion. You turned to the blond man. "Why do you keep tabs on me?" You asked the man. "Because you're my sister and you're dating that singing buffoon." He says in a disgusted tone. "Draco, he's a nice guy. Maybe if you tried to get know him. I mean you're on good terms with Potter. Why can't I be on better terms with a muggle?" Draco sighed. "Because we're magical. He's not. You wouldn't have a normal relationship because your a witch and he's a muggle!!" Draco exclaimed. "Draco, leave your sister alone!" Your mom calls from the other room. Draco huffed. "Just you watch. It will cause problems." Draco says as he walked away from you. Did I mention you're Draco Malfoy's little sister?

You walked outside to find Brendon waiting for you by his car. You smiled as you reached him. "Hey, Babe." He says as he kisses you softly. You smiled at him. "Hey." Brendon stared at your mansion for a bit. "Are your parents home?" Brendon asked. "Oh uh... no. They're out of the country." Brendon nodded. "I want to meet them." He tells you bluntly. "Why would y-you wanna do that?" You asked nervously. "Because how else am I supposed to make you see that I'm serious about us." You stared at up at him confused. "I know you're holding back, (Name). I don't know anything when it comes to your family or where you went to school. There are things I want to know and I can only to do that by showing you... I'm ready to take us to the next level. Which is to meet your parents." You sighed and smiled at him. "You really are amazing, Brendon." He chuckled. "Well I hope that's good enough for your parents." You smiled as he opened the door to his car and helped you in.

You paced around the living room. "Quit pacing." Draco tells you annoyed. "I can't. He'll be here any moment." Your mom walks in and smiles at your nervousness. "It'll be fine. Right, Lucius?" Your father stood there, with a cold expression. "I don't think this man is worth my daughter's time." He says coldly. Draco laughed. "Enough, Draco." Your mother snaps. The door bell rings in your ears. Your stomach suddenly dropped. You ran to answer the door. You opened the door to find Brendon in a nice suit. He walked in and kissed your cheek. You led him into the living room. Draco was the first to walk over to the two of you. "Do you care deeply for my sister?" Draco asked Brendon. "Of course. She means the world to me. I'm Brendon. You must be Draco." Brendon held out his hand. Draco raised an eyebrow and shook his hand firmly. "If you ever hurt my sister... you're dead." Draco says walking away. You exhaled in relief. "It's okay, love. I got this." Brendon whispered. You smiled and nodded. Brendon walked over to your mother and father. He firmly shook your father's hand and politely kissed your mother's hand. "I'm Brendon." Your father nodded. " firm hand shake young man. I'm Lucius and this is my wife Narcissa." Brendon nodded his head politely. "It's nice to finally meet you two." He says kindly. "Come, let's eat shall we?" Your father says as he leads Brendon into the dining room. You followed. Once you got in, house elves were serving dinner. "What are those!?" Brendon asked, shocked by the sight. "Fuck." You muttered. Draco smirked at Brendon. "Time to go Brendon. Nice to see you." Draco says. Brendon walked out. You ran after him. "Brendon wait!" Brendon turned around and faced you. "What aren't you telling me? That your family is slave owners?" You sighed. " here's the truth. I didn't want you to meet my parents because... I'm a witch." Brendon's eyes widened. "You're a what!? Is that even real?" He asked. You nodded. "Those creatures are called house elves. Their purpose is to serve any magical family that owns them. But I know each of them personally. So they're not miserable." You explain to him. He looked at you with a serious face. "Is there anything else I should know?" He asked. "My father doesn't particularly like non magic folk. Neither does my brother." Brendon nodded. He grabbed your hand and walked to the kitchen. Draco, your mother and father watched him carefully. "You may be a magic family. And you may not accept that your daughter is dating a non magic person. But I love your daughter, even though you all are witches and wizards. I won't stop seeing her." Your father smirked at Brendon. "I see. Well, you better make her happy." Brendon nodded. "I will, sir." Your mother smiled at you two. "Lets eat shall we?" You and Brendon sat down across from your mother and brother and began to eat and converse with each other.

Sorry if that sucked!!! This was my first request. Hope you liked it! Comment, vote, follow, request!! :)

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