Ran Out Of Interesting Titles by Panic! At The Disco

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My [eye color] orbs traveled over to the sound. I threw my head back, banging the back of my head against the brick wall. "Mother fucker!" I hiss. "Oi, shut it, girl!" My head snapped towards the voice. A couple of men brought in a new prisoner. He had gorgeous brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "I hear she can be very dangerous. Hope she doesn't get loose." One of the henchmen tells the new prisoner. I raise an eyebrow at their statement. The new prisoner tried to break himself free of the ropes that bound him to the wall. "Don't bother," His head snapped in my direction. "I've already tried," The man sighs deeply. "What am I even doing here!?" He exclaimed to no one in particular. "My guess is... the Mafia Boss' daughter needs a groom." He glared towards me. "I wasn't talking to you!" I snicker at his anger. "Clearly," His brown eyes watch me. "I'm Brendon," He speaks after a few moments to calm down. I nod to him. "[Name]." 

Several months pass with just me and Brendon in the dungeon. "You're kidding, right?" Brendon questions as we make conversation. "I wish I was. I literally tripped over a damn rabbit hole and broke my ankle," Brendon laughed. "You gotta stop doing that," He says as he looks at me. I raise a brow at him. "What?" His chocolate brown eyes bore into my [eye color]. "Saying things that make me want to kiss you," My eyes widened at his statement. "Say what?" Brendon laughed again, causing my [skin color] cheeks to burn up. "You're very adorable right now," I scoff. "I am not adorable. I am the opposite of that," Brendon smirked at me. "You're in denial, love." I roll my eyes as the door to the dungeon opens. The Mafia Boss walks in with two of his henchmen. They walk over to me. "Are you done playing prisoner?" The Mafia boss asks me. I look from him to Brendon. Brendon looked completely confused. I sighed. "Yeah, I guess." Brendon furrowed his brows together. The henchmen unbound me. I jumped down, rubbing my wrists. Brendon stared down at me. I gave him an empathetic smile. "Sorry, Bren." I followed the three men to the door. "Who are you??" Brendon's words made me stop in my tracks. I turned around and walked up to him. "I'm the Mafia Boss' daughter." Brendon's eyes widened. "What? But I- How can that- I trusted you! Yo- I can't believe this! I fell in love with you! How can you deceive me like this!?" I looked away from Brendon. Truth was, I had fallen in love with him, too. "Your first mistake was trusting me. Your second mistake was falling in love with me." I state. "Why? Why are these mistakes!? You can't tell me right at this moment that you don't feel the same way I do for you." He exclaimed. I took a step back, turning my back to him. "I can't love you, Brendon. I'm sorry." 

[Sorry it's so short! Also, there will not be another part to this, so don't ask or demand another part. Send in your requests! -WDW]

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