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"Idiot, you're lost."

"I am not lost. And don't call me an idiot."


"You're the idiot."

"You're the one who is lost!"

"I told you I am not lost!"

"Right, dumbass."

"What the fuck is your problem?"

Brendon glared down at you. You frowned at him, not even phased by his glare. "My problem is we are fucking lost because you are too fucking prideful to ask for directions!" Brendon scoffed. You and Brendon rented out a cabin in the woods for a weekend. He claimed to you that he knew where the cabin was at and didn't need directions. Now you two are in the woods, searching for any person who can help you guys. "For the last time-" "Yeah, yeah. You're not lost. Tch. Fucking dumbass." You walked ahead of Brendon. The real reason you were pissed at Brendon wasn't that you guys were lost. It was because you found him kissing his old girlfriend, Sarah. You, of course, never said anything to him. Maybe it was time to say something. "You're overreacting here!" Brendon exclaimed as he caught up with you. "I assure you I'm not." You stated firmly. "For God sake, woman! you're are so frustrating!" He shouted at you, his hands gripping his luscious brown hair. You quickly turned around and hit his chest hard. "Then why don't you go be with fucking Sarah! I'm sure you'd be much happier with her!" Brendon froze, staring at you with wide eyes. You huffed before you started to walk away from him. "Hey! What do you mean by that?" He called after you. You stopped in your tracks. You turned around, looking at him, your heart throbbing. "I saw you kiss her, B. I saw you stick your tongue down her throat when you told me that you were just getting a coffee. I thought I'd surprise you, showing up at the cafe. Guess what? I was the one that was surprised. I found you making out with your old girlfriend. So, you know what? Go. Go back. Go back to LA. Be with Sarah. You two are perfect for each other." You began to walk away. "[Name], wait!" Brendon calls after you, his voice cracking. "No, Brendon! Fucking go! I'm tired of being number 2 in your life! Go be with Sarah! I'm done. We are through." Brendon watched you walk away, tears welling up in his eyes.


Several weeks later, you grabbed a magazine while you were in line at the grocery store. On the front cover were Brendon and Sarah. The title said: Panic! At The Disco's frontman, Brendon Urie proposes to his long-time girlfriend! You sighed deeply. "It's about time." You muttered to yourself. You put the magazine back and checked out your stuff.

When you got home, a familiar brunette stood on your front porch. You walked up the porch, stopping in front of him. "What are you doing here?" You questioned him. "I wanted to apologize." He says softly. "Apologize? For what?" Brendon sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "For cheating on you. For making you feel you weren't a priority to me." Brendon told you. "You didn't just make me feel that way. I was never a priority to you. NEVER. I just couldn't see that." Brendon frowned. "[Name], you were important to me." You shook your head. "Who are you fooling, Brendon? 'Cause it sure as hell isn't me. We were never good for each other. We were terrible together. And there's no point in reminiscing in the past. You're engaged now. So, it's best if you forget me. Go be happy with Sarah. I'm just a memory, now." Brendon stared at you in confusion.


Brendon jolted up. He looked around. He was on a very uncomfortable sofa. He was in a hospital room. On the bed was [Name]. He walked over to her, grabbing her hand. On her left hand was a ring on her wedding finger. "I will never forget you, [Name]. I'm not giving up on you." He whispered as he kissed her hand. "I love you. Please, wake up." He whispered as tears escaped his chocolate brown eyes.

[By the way, not doing a second part to this. Sorry, guys! This was a sad one.]

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