Letting You Go

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Rain pours down in Los Angeles. You and Brendon had been fighting for hours and hours on end. "Why do you only think of yourself?" Brendon questions, his voice cracking. You clench your jaw, angry that you were having this argument again. "God, Brendon. Why am I to be made out as the selfish one when you are free to go and do whatever the hell you want?" Brendon punches the wall, creating a dent. "I'm doing my job!" You shake your head. "Not just your job! It's more than that. It's your dream job! This place... God, this place... I hate this place, Brendon. I hate it. It's where my father died. Where my mom married an abusive son of a bitch and killed her. It's--" "Where you met me," Both of you were silent. "You said, we'd be together forever," Brendon begins. "You ruined that when you fucked another girl in our bed," Brendon scoffs and grabs his jacket. "Where the fuck are you going?" Brendon stares at me, a coll expression across his face. "Leaving," He walks out of the door, not looking back.

Brendon sits in a cafe, sipping on his coffee. "Bren, what's up?" Brendon looks up, Kaileigh, your best friend smiles down at him. "Hey, where's [Name]?" Brendon stays silent. "I see. She told you she wants to leave," Brendon scoffs. "She's being selfish and a brat. She not even thinking about us or our relationship!" Brendon exclaims. Kaileigh sits across from him. "After everything you put her through... The several years of touring, the waiting for you to come home, the affair... Did you actually expect her to stay? I mean, she hated this place even when she was a kid. It's not about you anymore. It's about her and her happiness. And you can't be angry that it's not you that makes her happy. She's watched you succeed. Maybe she still wants you in her life. You can do, what you do anywhere. So, why don't you follow her? The way she followed you all these years," Brendon stands up, giving Kaileigh a smile. "Thanks, Kai," 

You just finished cleaning the kitchen and were heading upstairs to pack your things. Brendon walks in through the door. You sigh deeply. "Brendon, I can't fight anymore. I'm done. This isn't--" "Hold that thought," Brendon slips his jacket off. "Listen, [Name]. You went through a lot - I put you through a lot. The tours, the late nights, the affair. None of that was fair to you. This place has been a nightmare for you and I couldn't see that. I don't know if you still want me in your life, but if you do, I want to watch you succeed the way you watched me. I can do my job from anywhere. I don't want to keep you in a place that you hate. So, if you'll take me... I'll follow you," You smile at him and nod. "Of course I want you in my life, Bren. You're the love of my life. You always have been," Brendon grins. He gets down on one knee. "I know this isn't the most romantic way to do this, but... [Full Name], will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Your [color] eyes sting with tears. You knew you loved him and you knew you'd want nothing more than to be his wife. But you needed to tell him. "Brendon, you should know something..." Brendon stands up. "What?" His expression hardened. "I'm pregnant," Brendon scoffs. "You fucked some other guy?" You gave him a 'are you fucking kidding me?' look. "Fuck no. I'm not you. The baby is yours, dumbass," Brendon shakes his head. "That can't be. The last we had sex was--" "A month ago," Brendon's eyes widen. "Holy shit! That's... that's amazing news!" You smile. "Yeah?" He nods. "In that case," You walk over to him, closing the space between you. "Brendon Boyd Urie, I would love it... if you made me your wife," Brendon grins. He kisses you deeply. "Who knew we'd start a family?" You smile at him. "I don't think anyone knew," He chuckles, holding you tight. "I love you," You sigh deeply. "I love you, too,"

"Brendon, you will be missed. Your loved ones will miss you--" You stand in a graveyard, watching as the funeral home slowly lowered a small coffin. "[Name]," You look behind you. Brendon stands behind you. "Babe, you made it," Brendon hugs you tightly. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't there and now he's--" You hug him tightly, tears silently racing down your cheeks. "He's with my parents now," Brendon pets your [hair color] hair. "We'll be okay. I'm not going to leave you again," You sigh and nod. "There's something I need to tell you, B," He looks at you in confusion. "Brendon died, and I want to be sad, but... um, you know how they say when a life is taken, another is born?" Brendon nods. "Brendon died, and I found out that... we are having another baby," Brendon's eyes widen. He hugs you tightly. "Holy crap," You nod. Brendon kisses you softly. "We are going to be okay, all of us," Brendon lightly rubs your stomach. You both turn your attention to your late son's coffin being buried. "May you rest in peace, Brendon [Middle name] Urie. We will never forget you," 

T H E       E N D


Thank you to everyone who reads this book every day, who votes and adds this book to their reading lists. I appreciate every single thing. And with that said,  I am officially done with this book. I know it is very sad, but it's time. Again, thank you so much for gettings this book to over 10k views. I appreciate each and every one of you. If you enjoyed this book, feel free to read my others! <3

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