Dear Diary [6]

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After going home from the hospital, Brendon wouldn't leave me alone. He pestered me endlessly. I've ignored him time and time again. He calls constantly, texts every hour of every day... the only thing he hasn't done is stop by my house. Which I was thankful for. After finding out that he read every entry of my journal, I told him to leave. I didn't want to know what he thought about my confession. I didn't want to be hurt again. What was I going to do? 

I was pretty much healed. My body was just a little sore from the injuries and surgery. I lied down on the couch, watching the ceiling fan spin. I was impatiently waiting for the pizza that I had ordered. My hunger was going to drive me insane if it didn't come in the next two minutes. Just as I had thought that the doorbell rang. I got up as quick as I could without hurting myself. I walked to the door, opening it excitedly. I frowned at the man in front of me. Not only did he not have my pizza, but he was not the pizzaman. Brendon sighed deeply. "Why are you ignoring me?" He questioned. I leaned against the door frame. "I'm not ignoring you. I'm simply going back to my life. My life did not include you, so..." I say shortly. "[Name], come on. I'm begging here." Brendon whined slightly. "What exactly are you begging for, Brendon? I'm not dying, I'm not in the hospital. I'm completely fine. So, why are you still coming around?" I questioned him. "Because you love me." He says bluntly. I looked away from him. "What does that matter, B? I mean, so what? I love you. You love Sarah. Go be with Sarah." I began to close the door when he stopped the door with his hand. "[Name], you don't get it, do you?" I blinked at him in confusion. "Why do you think I'm so worried about you?" He questioned. I shrugged. He sighed deeply. "You are really dense, [Name]." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I love you, not Sarah. Sarah and I broke up because she was keeping me from you. And I didn't like that. I didn't understand why it bothered me so much. Until I found your lifeless body on the floor." He explained. I was speechless. Did he just say he loves me? "I realized it bothered me so much because I was in love with you. I am in love with you. I wanted to tell you that the moment you woke up. Which is why I told you that I read every entry. To tell you that I care for you, that I love you the same way you love me." I was frozen in that spot. Everything he was saying, every word is what I've wanted to hear from him. He chuckled. "You didn't expect me to say that, did you?" He questioned with a smirk on his face. All I could do was shake my head. "Then let me show you something you'd never expect me to do..." He took a step closer to me, an arm around my waist. He caressed my cheek before softly placing his pink luscious lips on my [skin color] ones. The kiss was soft and innocent. He pulled away slightly, looking into my [eye color] orbs. "What took you so long?" I whispered. He smirked and brought our lips together again. I kissed him back instantly. He held me tightly in his arms as if he was afraid I'd slip away from him any moment.

Dear Diary,

Everything I've ever felt for Brendon has been reciprocated. He loves me. He's in love with me, not Sarah. He found me when I needed him most. He bugged me until I came around. He held me in his arms and kissed me passionately like I always dreamed. Is this a dream? I hope not. But if this is, I never want to wake up. I finally have the life with the man I love that I've always wanted. I'm finally happy.


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