The End of All Things [II]

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It's been a few weeks since you left Brendon. You haven't heard from him since he walked out. You talked to Dallon and Kenny daily, though. They gave you updates on how he was. According to them, Brendon was seeing Sarah again. But they swear up and down that he's not happy. You didn't believe it. I mean, it has to be fate that they ended up back together right? You worked in a small cafe as a barista. "Hi, how can I help you?" You asked the next customer.


Dallon and Kenny dragged Brendon down to a cafe. "Guys, come on. I don't wanna go to a cafe." Brendon whines. "Just come on. You gotta see this!" Kenny says as they pushed him against a window. Brendon sighed and stood up straight. "Fucking assholes." Brendon muttered. He looked straight ahead of him. His eyes widened. You were standing there, making a customers coffee. "Is that...?" Brendon trailed off. "It's (Name). She's been working at this cafe for quite some time now." Dallon tells Brendon softly. His chocolate brown eyes became glossy. "She knows about you and Sarah." Brendon turned around and looked at his band mates. "You told her?"


"Yo, (Name)! You're shift is over." One of your co-workers tells you. You nodded and clocked out. You grabbed your shoulder bag and slipped it over your head onto your shoulder. "See ya Monday, Trev!" You walked out of the cafe to find Dallon, Kenny and Brendon. You froze. They all looked at you. Kenny and Dallon smiled at you. "Hey (Name)." Dallon says as they waved. Brendon just stared at you. You waved slightly. "Um, I'll see you guys around." You began to walk away from the trio. "(Name) wait!" Brendon called, running after you. You stopped and turned around. "What is it?" You asked him softly. "W-why haven't you called me back?" He asked with a slight stutter. You look away, feeling the pain in your chest again. "You walked out Brendon. You didn't regret sleeping with Sarah. It was clear that you'd rather be with her, so I left. I can't be answering your calls." Brendon took a step closer. "(Name), don't do this!" Brendon says. "Don't do what, Brendon!? You're the one who went back to Sarah! You walked out! All I did was let you free!" Brendon glared at her. "Let me free? I wasn't some caged animal!" Brendon exclaimed. "You cheated on me for weeks! Obviously you felt that way!"


"Are they... arguing?" Kenny asked as he and Dallon watch you and Brendon from afar. "Maybe, it'll bring them together." Dallon says. He and Kenny shrug as they turned to you and Brendon. Their eyes widened. "What did we miss!?"


"I didn't feel that way! I was just stressed and I got drunk and Sarah happened to be there!" Brendon exclaimed. "If you were stressed, why didn't you just come to me!" Brendon didn't say anything. "Maybe if you did, you'd know that I was pregnant! And maybe you'd know that I had a miscarriage!" Brendon's eyes widened. "What? Y-you were p-pregnant?" You looked away from him. "Yes. Look, this is getting nowhere. Just go back to-" You were cut off by Brendon's luscious lips on yours. "W-why...?" You mumbled. "Because Sarah isn't you. I've been miserable. I miss you, (Name). Please come back to me. I promise I'll show you that we are not a mistake." He says as he cups your face. "Bren..." Brendon pressed his lips on yours once again. You kissed him back this time. The kiss got deeper and more passionate. "Okay, guys! Your in public." Dallon says walked up to you two. "Yeah, not to mention Bren, you're still with Sarah." You and Brendon pulled away. You sighed. "Of course. I um, I have to go." You began to walk away. "Wait, (Name)! I'll call her right now." Brendon took out his phone and called Sarah. "Sarah, hey. Listen, I can't be with you anymore. I... wait... what? A-are you sure? I... I'll call you later." Brendon hung up. You, Dallon and Kenny stared at Brendon. "What'd she say?" Dallon asked. Brendon looked at you. "Maybe it's best if we don't get back together, (Name)." He tells you. You furrow your eyebrows. "Why? You were so sure about it a few seconds ago." Brendon sighed. "We can't be together because... Sarah's pregnant."

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