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Brendon was your best friend. He has been since high school. You guys hung out all the time, except whenever he tours. As the years passed, you had grown some deep feelings for him. Of course, you hid them. And over the years, Dallon and Zack knew all about it, due to you blurting out your feelings in a drunken manner. Thankfully, Brendon passed out when you did. But lately, you've keeping your distance from Brendon. He's been seeing this beautiful girl named Sarah. You were jealous of how pretty she was. And you hated that you liked her. She was an awesome person. No wonder, he was into her. But you had a feeling that you wouldn't be able to tell Brendon your feelings, due to the fact that Brendon and Sarah were getting serious.

You sat with Dallon, Kenny, and Zack at a picnic table. You had ordered some fries from a food truck. "Wait, you eat fries with hot sauce?" Dallon asked. You nodded. "That's... crazy." Everyone laughed. "So are you gunna tell him?" Zack asked you. "Huh? Oh... um... I don't think I should." You say softly. Kenny sighed. "Seriously? I've been waiting forever for you guys to hook up!" Kenny exclaimed. "Who?" Brendon asked. Everyone froze. "Brendon!" Dallon says standing up. "(Name), who are you hooking up with?" Brendon asked. You looked at Kenny. He avoided looking at you. You stood up. "Brendon, I know you are happy with Sarah and I'm happy for you. But I haven't hooked up with anybody." Brendon looked at you confused. "Then why did Kenny say...?" You cut him off. "Because I am in love with someone who is in a happy relationship." Brendon raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Who is it?" He asked. You looked at the guys. They all nodded. "It's you, Bren. The fact that you didn't know that, shows you are truly happy with her." You began to walk away. "See you guys later."

You lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling fan. Your phone kept ringing and dinging, you just turned your phone off. You assumed it was Dallon, Zack and Kenny. You didn't want their pitiful looks or voices. You just wanted to stay home, in your bubble. You were quickly brought out of your thoughts when a voice called your name.


You sat up quickly. "Who the hell...?" You got up and walked to your bedroom door and grabbed the bat by the door. You carefully walked down the stairs. A tall figure stood in your living room. "(Name)?" You sighed as you flipped on the switch, resting the bat on your shoulder. Brendon stood there in a black sweater. "Bren, what the hell?" You asked him. "I got worried. You weren't texting or picking up the phone. Then your phone went to voicemail. So I came to see if you were okay." You sighed. "I just need some time to myself, Bren." Brendon soghed. "How long?" He asked. "Since high school." He sighed. "I can't believe I didn't see it." He muttered. "Well believe it. You can go now." You began to walk back upstairs, but Brendon gently gripped your hand, pulling you to him. "Brendon, you don't..." He quickly brought you into a sweet and passionate kiss. "Bren..." you muttered as he pulled away slightly. "I've liked you since middle school." He whispered. You smiled. "How did I not see that?" Brendon chuckled and shrugged. "Despite all the girls I've been with... it was always you." You smiled and blushed. "Always? What about Sarah?" Brendon sighed. "Turns out she was still in love with her ex. So we broke it off on good terms. It was always you, (Name)."

Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now