Terrible Consequences

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"You have to tell him, [Name]." Your best friend, [Best Friend's Name] tells you. You sigh deeply. "I can't. It... would complicate his life. Besides, we haven't been a couple in several months. I mean, what's the point?" [Best Friend] shakes his/her head. "You both made it together! You are both going to be parents. Are you seriously going to keep that baby from him?" You looked away from him/her. "When are you going to be one my side, [Best Friend]?" You ask them. They looked at you with a shock expression. "He was the one who cheated on me, yet you are still on his side," You begin to explain. "That's not-" "That is true. You can deny it to my face all you want. But the fact of the matter is you're on his side, always. He does no wrong in your eyes," [Best friend] stays quiet. "Well, listen. You can tell the jackass I am pregnant with his child, but that doesn't give him the right to tell me what to do or to come running to me like nothing's changed. I hope you enjoyed our time together, [Best friend]. Because it's over. It's over until you can prove to me that you're loyal to me and not him," You stand up from the diner booth you both were in and walked out without another word. 

Later on that day, you came home from a walk in the park. "[Name]," You stopped in your tracks. The familiar voice behind you made your heart sink. You turned around to find your former boyfriend, Brendon Urie. "Let me guess, [Best friend] told you the news," Brendon nods. "You weren't going to tell me?" He questions. You rub your temples in frustration. "I was going to tell you, but that's when I caught you cheating on me. So, I decided not to," Brendon sighed. "I... but you... Why?" He stumbles on his words. "You weren't worried about me at all, Brendon. So, why should I be worried about telling you anything?" Brendon scoffs. "You're a bitch," He started to walk away. "Maybe I am, but we both know who the real bad guy is. And it sure as hell ain't me," Brendon stops in his tracks. "I'm not the only one you should blame. You should blame [Best friend], too. After all, they are the one I cheated on you with," I sneered at Brendon. "Get off my property before I call the cops," 

[Best friend] walks into your house as you walked down the stairs. "Look, [Name], I-" "What the hell are you doing here?" You questioned them. "What? I know your upset but-" "Get out, now," They stared at you in shock once again. "What happened, [Name]?" "What happened? I'll tell you what happened, traitor. Brendon came by and told me you were the whore he cheated on me with, so you can get the fuck off my property. Don't bother coming back," [Best friend] clenched their fists before running towards you. They pushed you against the wall, punching you over and over. They threw you across the room. Your stomach came into contact with the armrest of one of the recliners. Just as you fell to the ground, blood began to seep through your pants. [Best friend]'s eyes widened before dashing out the door. You crawled to your cell phone, which was on the coffee table. "Hello, what is your emergency?" "Hi, um I live on 34 Hollywood Blvd. I... I've been attacked,"

You lied in a hospital bed. The doctor had just confirmed a miscarriage. You didn't know how to feel. Sad? Relieved? Angry? A knock on your door brought you out of your thoughts. You looked towards the door to find Brendon walking in cautiously. "Um, they called me. Guess I'm still your emergency contact," He explains. "No. I told them to call you. I thought you should know," Brendon sighs and walks to your bedside. "What happened?" He questioned. "[Best friend] happened," Brendon furrowed his brows. "[Best friend] did this to you?" You nodded. "I can't bel-" "I'm sorry," Brendon looks at you, surprised. "What do you have to be sorry about?" He questioned. "For not telling you about the baby. I was just being petty. So... I'm sorry," Brendon grabbed your hand. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ruined what we had. I... I still love you, [Name]. I know you won't forgive me, but-" "I love you, too, B." Brendon's eyes widened. "You... do?" You nodded. "I'm... willing to give you another chance, Bren." He smiled and kissed your hand. "You won't regret it, babe." You smiled at him. "I hope not," Brendon kissed your forehead gently as he got into the bed with you. He held you until you fell back asleep.

[Sorry this was short. I couldn't get inspiration. So, if you want more, dm or comment a scenario! Thanks for reading !~]

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