Fighting Leads To Regretful Words

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Good Day Readers! Thanks for the reads! We're now at 148 views! It's not a lot but it's an accomplishment for me! I've also decided to start counting down to the P!ATD concert! I'm super psyched!

The past few weeks, Brendon has been distant with you. You guys have been together for almost five years. You two were inseparable. He told you everything and you told him everything. But ever since he started going out with the guys and coming home wasted, he hasn't been the same.

"(Name)!" Brendon called from the front door. You walked to the front door from the kitchen. Brendon stood a few  feet in front of the door. He had an indifferent expression on. "What's going on Bren?" You asked him. He ran a hand through his luscious brown hair. "I can't do this anymore, (Name)."  Brendon tells you. You furrow your eyebrows. "Wait, what? What are you talking about?" You asked him. "This routine we have... it's predictable and...uninteresting." Brendon tells you, keeping his indifferent expression. "Are you fucking shitting me? You're breaking up with me because our lives are predictable? I don't ever go out with my friends anymore because I'm worried you're gunna come home drunk as fuck. I don't know what's going on with you, but it's gotten to the point where you're going out every night and getting wasted." Brendon looked away from you. "I just can't do this anymore, (Name)." Brendon turned his back on you. "You fucking dipshit!" You threw the tv remote at his back. He turned around. "What the fuck was that for!?" He exclaimed. "You do not turn your back on me or this relationship! I have sacrificed everything for you and for your damn career! I am so proud of you Bren, but I cannot be here if you insist on treating me like dog shit." Brendon shook his head. "You wanna know what's going on with me? Okay. I saw you and Ryan in the diner a few weeks ago!" You looked away ashamed. "Yeah. That's right. I saw you two. It's one thing to cheat, but to do it with Ryan AND in public is just plain stupid." You scoffed. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about." (Name) walked away from Brendon. "Don't turn your back on me! We're having a conversation!" He exclaimed. You turned back at him and gave him the deadliest glare you could muster. "You were just about to leave without any explanation. So what is the fucking difference with me doing it!?" Your blood boiled as you stared at him. His eyes hardened as he stared at you. You walked to the closet. "What are you doing?" He asked hardly. You didn't answer. You opened the door and grabbed a paper bag. You shoved it to his chest. "You wanna know why I was with Ryan that day? There's your fucking answer. In case you forgot, which I'm pretty sure you fucking did. It's our 5th anniversary today. So congratu-fucking-lations, you just lost the best relationship of your fucking life." You walked to your room that you shared with Brendon. You gathered as much clothes as you could and threw it in a suitcase and trudged down stairs. Brendon was standing there with the gift in his hands. It was a miniature guitar that said: you may be a star to the world, but to me your the moon shining it's light in the darkness. Brendon turned to you with tears in his eyes. "This is why You were with Ryan?" You nodded. "Don't you feel like an asshole?" You opened the door and began to walk out until you felt strong arms around your waist. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please don't leave me." You turned around in his arms. Tears were rolling down his porcelain skin. "I love you, (name). Please don't leave." He whispered before he kissed you passionately. "I promise I won't treat you like dog shit. I'll treat you like... like butterfly shit." You cracked a smile and giggled slightly. "Butterfly shit? That's the best you could come up with?" Brendon grinned. "Ah. I'm sure I can come up with better." You hit his chest playfully. He kissed you once more and you kissed him back. "Let's celebrate today, old fashion style." Brendon says before picking you up bridal style and going inside with you in his arms.

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