Fiery Passion

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You know that one person you just click with?

Brendon was live streaming on Periscope, Sarah was right next to him. She was hiding her face as Brendon was making kissing faces at her.

That one person that makes it seem like there's just you and them.

You wiped down the counter at the cafe you work at. The sky was gray, and customers kept piling in. Ordering coffee or hot chocolate.

I wonder if you can find another person to click with? I hope so. If not, I lost mine forever.

Brendon had his ear buds in. Sarah was fast asleep. He sat at the kitchen table. He closed his brown eyes, the words sounds in his ears.

He was wonderful. He was my best friend. But I guess he didn't click with me like I clicked with him.

You sat in your room, in front of your laptop. A mic was in front of you.

He found other person to click with. I think it's great he's happy and found that person. But, did that mean he had to cut me out of his life? Hm. I guess if the girl was that strict.

Brendon furrowed his eyebrows. He'd just found this interesting podcast that the guys told him about. They said it was urgent for him to listen to tonight's podcast.

Or maybe I wasn't worth remembering.

You brought the mic to your (skin color) lips. "I am a pretty forgettable person. Maybe that's why I don't have anyone to click with. He's a musician. I guess it's true what they say. You can never trust musicians. I didn't believe that saying. Some of my others friends are musicians, I can trust them with my life. But not him. And not with my heart."

Brendon knew the voice. He'd know that voice anywhere. It's the one he couldn't forget. The voice he'd always clicked with. He took the ear buds out of his ears and slipped his phone in his pocket. He grabbed his coat and walked out the door. It was raining pretty hard. He ran to his Range Rover, slipped in and flipped the engine. His Rover ran smoothly. He put it in drive and drove away from his house he shared with Sarah. He took many left turns, a few right turns until he parked in front of a smaller house. The light was on in the bedroom window. He turned off his car and walked up to the door. He knocked on the maroon door. The door slowly opened. You stood there, (eye color) eyes wide. "Brendon...?" You asked confused by his presence. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. You wore an over sized shirt, which hid your black shorts. "Um, sure." You stepped aside for him to walk in. He walked in, and you closed the door. As soon as you turned around Brendon was staring at you, his chocolate brown eyes filled with confusion. "What brings you here?" You asked politely. He ran a hand through his gorgeous brown hair. "Why is your podcast about me? Why today of all days?" You looked away, not saying a word. "(Name)." He says softly. You looked at him. "Why...?" He asked once more. You scoffed. "Why are you here? Why were you even listening? You haven't spoken to me since you got serious with Sarah. So why now?" You snapped at him. His eyes widened. "I..." Brendon was speechless. He'd always seen you snap at other people, but never at him. "You know what? Forget it. Just... leave. It's what you're best at." You began to leave until Brendon grabbed your arm and pulled you to him. His pink luscious lips slammed against your (skin color) ones. "W-what was that for...?" You asked, confused. Brendon stared into your eyes. "Because I can't stand to be away from you. It was never Sarah. It was you." He kissed you again. This time, you kissed him back. The kiss got more heated and passionate. Brendon held you close to his body. You loved the feeling he gave you. Only he could give you this feeling. You pulled away from him. "I can't do this, Brendon. You're with Sarah. I can't do this, knowing you're still with her. He smirked at her. "Wait up for me." He walked out of the house, leaving you in a daze.

Hey guys! 707 views! Thanks for reading guys!!! This has a part two don't worry! And it will be a smut. So... beware. Love you guys!

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