Fiery Passion [II]

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A month passed since Brendon came that night. You waited for his dumb ass for a week. After he didn't show up for a week, you gave up on him. He was never going to leave Sarah. I mean, who would? She was amazing and beautiful in every way. You couldn't ever compare to her. You were locking up the cafe when Dallon walked up to you. "Dal, hey." You said happily. "Hey. Listen. Brendon sent me." You frowned. "I don't care." You began to walk away from him. "Wait, what happened between you two? He doesn't want to come see you, you don't want to hear what he has to say... What happened?" He asked. "Why don't you tell Brendon to go piss off?" You walked away from Dallon. He watched you in disbelief. "What the hell happened?" He asked himself.

You were cleaning up your house when you got home from work. You wore a [color] tank top and some [color] running shorts. You were moving your couch around when there was a sudden knock on the door. You sighed. You jumped over the couch and jogged over to the door. You opened the door to find Brendon wearing a black hoodie and some sweats. You frowned and began to close the door but he stopped the door with his foot. You scowled at him. "You have to talk to me sometime." He says softly. You scoffed. "Do i?" You asked harshly. "Yes. Look, I have to explain-" You put your hand up to stop him from talking. "No. It's perfectly clear. You couldn't break it off with her. And I don't blame you. But you could've manned up and told me instead of me waiting like a dumb ass for you." Brendon stared at you as he let you rant. "By the way, why the fuck would you send Dallon to talk to me? You think that was going to make it any fucking better? That made it worse! And I feel bad for having to yell at Dallon to tell you to piss off!" Brendon nodded. You shook your head. "I really hate you, Brendon." You tell him. "I don't think you do." He says smirking at you. "Don't." You tell him in a warning tone. "Don't what?" He asked taking a step closer to you. You took a step back. "Don't act like you know what's going through my life. Because you don't! You have not known me for a long, long time. So quit acting like-" As you kept ranting to him, he would take a step forward. You taking a step back in the process. The wall hit your back and Brendon took one last step, closing the gap between you two. He puts his hands on either side of your head. His face inches away from yours. "What are you doing?" You asked trying to keep up your attitude. But with Brendon so close, it was hard to keep that up. He leaned forward, his mouth centimeters away from your ear. "You can't keep up that attitude, Baby. We both know that you will break any... second." He whispers. He gentle takes your ear lobe in his teeth before pulling away to see your face. Pink dusted your [skin color] cheeks. Brendon brushed his nose against yours. "Tell me... have you been dreaming of me?" He asked seductively. He kissed your nose, and moved his lips down. They brushed your [skin color] lips before attaching themselves to your neck. You closed your eyes in pleasure. "N-No." You answer softly trying not to moan out. He smirked and bit down on your neck. You winced. "Tell me the truth." One of his hands roamed down your body. His finger latched onto the elastic of your shorts. "I... I haven't." You breathe out as he sucked on your neck. He slipped his hand in your shorts, causing you to gasp. "You're being very..." He trailed off as his finger snuck into your panties in began to rub your clit. "Naughty." He whispered. You whimpered, trying to hold in your moans. "You're wet baby." He whispered. You tried to resist, you tried to hold it in. You hated the way he had you, wrapped around his finger... it was embarrassing. But you were getting to the point where you didn't give a damn. "Come on [Name]. Tell me the truth. Have you been dreaming of me?" He asked once more. You were going to regret this later. He watched your face closely. You nodded. "I h-have." He stared at you for a moment before smashing his plump pink lips onto your [skin color] ones. One of your arms wrapped around his neck, while the other found its way into his luscious hair. He had one of his hands tangled into your [hair length] [hair color] hair, the other caressing the side of your face. Your lips moved into sync to each other. It was like this kiss, you and Brendon being together like this, was meant to be. You two just... clicked. The kiss got more heated. Brendon began slipping off your shorts, without breaking the heated and passionate kiss. You also slipped off his sweats. He slipped off your tank top, breaking the kiss momentarily. You did the same to him. Your lips found each other once again. He picked you up, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He took you upstairs to your room.

He gently dropped you on your bed. He began to kiss you all over your body. He unclasped your bra and slipped off your [color] underwear. He looked down at your womanhood and immediately attached his lips to it. This sudden action made you gasp and moan. He played with your clit with tongue while he stuck his finger into your opening. You arched your back, enjoy the pleasure he was giving you. You grabbed a handful of his hair and moaned loudly. He looked up at you for a moment. Seeing you a moaning mess, made his erection harder. He loved seeing you this way.  He loved it when you were vulnerable to him. Right before you were about to finish, he stopped. Causing you to groan in displeasure. He chuckled. "Were you enjoying that?" He asked as he crawled up to your face. You nodded and pouted. He chuckled and kissed you softly. "Are you ready?" He asked lightly stroking your hair. "Brendon... what about...?" You trailed off. He kissed you deeply. "I broke it off with her. I'm sorry it took me so long." He whispered. You bit your bottom. He kissed you again, this time a little sloppy. "You don't know what you're doing to me with that lip biting." He whispered. "Just fuck me already." He crashed his lips onto yours. He slipped off his boxers and slipped his manhood into your entrance. You both moan immediately. Hr thrust in and out, making your mind cloudy. The smell of sweat and sex filled the room. He did one final thrust before finishing. Just as he finished, you came also. You were both breathing heavily. "I've been dreaming about this for so long." Brendon whispered. You smiled at him. "Me too." He chuckled. He got off of you and you both got under the covers. He brought you close to him. You rested youe head on his chest. "I love you, [Name]." He says as he kissed the top of your head. "I love you too, Bren." He held you tightly, as if you were going to disappear out of thin air.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to come out!! I just could not get any inspiration! I'm also running out of ideas so comment or PM me for suggestions or requests!!! Thank you guys for all the reads!!! I know its not a big number but I'm still excited!! So please keep reading and voting! You guys honestly make my day when you read or vote on my stories. ^^ 


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