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What is up, guys and girls!? I'm back with another Brendon Urie Imagine. Now, if you don't like smuts... I suggest you not read this story. This is my first smut, so bare with me! Enjoy ;D

You were in studio with Brendon and the guys. Brendon was busy making a vine, excitedly saying, 'studio'. "So are you ever gunna tell him about the..." Dallon looked around and leaned towards you. "Dreams?" He whispered. You were about to answer Dallon when Brendon sat on Dallon's lap. "Why are you guys whispering?" He whispered to you. You giggled. "Were contemplating on telling you that you have a hole on your ass." Brendon quickly stood up looking for the hole. Kenny took out some scissors. Brendon faced you. "You liar!" He exclaimed. While you were being accused of lying, Kenny took this  time to cut a huge hole down Brendon's butt crack. Brendon faced Kenny. "What the hell, dude!?" He quickly covered the hole Kenny just made. You, Dallon, and Kenny began to laugh hysterically. "I'll get you back." Brendon says as he point a finger at you.

After spending hours with the band, you finally got home. You walked upstairs to your room and turned on the lights. You practically jumped out of your skin. Brendon stood in your room, his arms crossed with a serious face on. "God damn it, Brendon! You scared the shit out of me!" You exclaimed, holding your heart. "What were you and Dallon whispering about?" He asked bluntly. You were surprised by his firm voice. "It's nothing to worry about." You say shrugging off his firm voice. He walked up to you. He was a little bit taller than you. Okay, he was really taller than you. "Tell me, (Name)." He says lowly and seductively. "Brendon, I can't tell you." You say, backing away from him. Truth is, you've been having dreams about being intimate with Brendon lately, but he couldn't know that. Could he? "Why can't you tell me? Are you and Dallon involved?" He asked in an envious tone. You gave him a disgusted look. (No offense, Dallon Lovers!!) "You're kidding right? Dallon is like my brother." You couldn't back up any more, seeing as you just hit the wall. Brendon was merely inches away from you now. "So tell me what it is." He whispers into your ear. Your cheeks began to become pink.  You closed you eyes for a second, reminiscing on one of your dreams.

Brendon had you pinned up against the wall. "So tell me what it is you want." He whispered. You were breathing heavily and Brendon's warm breath tickling your ear. "You." You whispered. Brendon smirked and kissed you roughly, taking your breath away.

"What do you mean, me?" Brendon asked you, confused. You sighed. "I... have been having dreams... about you. I told Dallon and he just wanted to know when I was going to tell you." You explained. "What dreams?" Brendon asked you. You sighed. "I can't tell you that."  You told him confidently. "(Nickname), tell me..." He whispered. "Brendon... I ca..n't..." Brendon's lips were more centimeters away from yours. "Come on... tell me." You looked up into his eyes. Within his brown eyes, was lust. You were confused by his gorgeous brown eyes. "Bren..." He roughly kissed your (skin color) lips. You were taken aback by his actions. Your mind soon became clouded and you began to kiss him back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his arms around your waist. He pulled away slowly. "Dallon told me." He whispered. Your eyes widened. "God damn it. I'm gunna kill him!" You exclaimed. Brendon chuckled lowly. "Not right now. Right now... I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." He began to attack your neck line and traveled down to your chest. He took off your (favorite color) shirt and (random color) bra. He played with your breasts a bit and then traveled lower. He unbuttons your shorts and pulls down both them and your underwear. He kissed around your sensitive area, while slowly inserting his finger into you. The pleasure began to make your knees go weak. He added a finger and sped up his pace. You grabbed his luscious brown hair, pleasure spreading throughout your body. Before you could climax, Brendon stopped and carried you to your bed. He took off all of his clothes and climbed onto of you. "Before we continue this... I just wanna say that I've always loved you, (Name). I just couldn't let you know until I was sure you felt the same." You smiled at him and kissed his soft pink lips. "I've always loved you too." He grinned before sliding into your entrance. His pace was fast and steady. Your mind was clouded, the pleasure you felt was better than what you dreamed of.  One finally thrust, and you both climaxed. Brendon fell next you, both you breathing heavily. "Does this make us fuck buddies or are we officially dating?" Brendon asked randomly. You laughed. "I think you've had enough fuck buddies." Brendon grinned at you and pulled you close. "So fuck buddies?" You laughed and hit his chest. "Okay, okay. So no more fuck buddies. Just only one." You nodded. "By the way, that has to be me." Brendon laughed and kissed your forehead. "I wouldn't choose anyone else." You smiled as your (eye color) eyes drooped down.

Well that was that! Hope it wasn't too bad. Remember to vote, follow, comment and request! Keep On Reading!

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