Dear Diary [2]

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Dear diary,
It's been six months since Brendon started seeing Sarah. They're great together. I think she makes him a better person. These last few months have been hard, so I've been keeping my distance from Brendon. He hasn't noticed. The last time I saw him was a few weeks before Christmas. It's March now. I've been keeping myself busy, trying my hardest not to think about him. About them together. And it's worked most of the day... Until I go to bed. I daydream about us being together. About me being happy. But I don't think it's ever gunna happen. I mean, they seem to be happy. He's the happiest I've ever seen him. Keeping my feeling hidden inside gets me really depressed lately. I mean, he is all I have. I don't have any family. And the fact that he hasn't noticed that we haven't seen each other in months, breaks my heart. Guess he's too busy to notice I even exist now. Maybe it'll get better. Who am I kidding? It's not going to get better, ever.

Hey guys and gals! Thanks for the reads! Sorry this one was so short! The next will be longer I promise! Remember to follow, request, vote and comment!

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