The End of All Things

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Hey guys!! Sorry for the slow updates! But thanks for the reads and votes!! You guys keep it up guys!

You and Brendon stood a few feet away from each other. The tension was high. Both of you huffing. The previous argument had you both angry, and hurt. Brendon began to walk to the door. "Where are you going?" You asked him. He stopped with one hand in the door knob. "Out." He opened the door and walked out. As the door slammed shut, your heart began to throb, causing pain in your chest. Tears resurfaced in your (eye color) eyes. You suddenly heard a thunder clap. You walked over to the window. The sky was gray, rain pouring down hard. You sighed as tears fell down your (skin color) cheeks.

"What do you mean it was just coffee!? You had coffee with another girl!" You screamed at him. "Nothing happened! It was just two friends catching up!" You scoffed. "You two aren't friends! Sarah is your ex girlfriend!" You yelled. "Well, Sarah understands and supports me! Unlike you! All you do is complain that I'm never home!" Brendon yelled. "You aren't ever home! How do you expect me to live a happy life when you aren't here to live it with me!?" You yelled. "I'm not here because I go on tour! Which you refuse to come with me by the way!" Brendon yells back. "I know that! But even when you aren't on tour, you're never here with me!" Brendon sighed frustrated. "Because I've been sleeping with Sarah!" You stared at Brendon with glossy eyes. "You what?" You asked calmly. Brendon just stared at you with a firm expression. You looked down and backed away from a bit. "If you're so unhappy, why don't you just leave?" Brendon says harshly.

You turned around looking at the living room. There were plenty of pictures of you and Brendon. You closed your eyes and walked upstairs to the room you and Brendon shared. Your eyes scanned the room before going to the closet and grabbing a maroon suitcase. You placed it on the bed and began to place your clothes in the case. You filled up what you could and zipped the suitcase closed. You carried the suitcase downstairs.

"Hey, (Name). You should tell Brendon your feelings." Dallon says as he sits on the little sofa in the studio. Brendon was getting some food, so it was just you and the guys. "I think it's a good idea." Kenny says as they all surrounded you. "It's not gunna happen. No good can come from my confession." You tell them. "What confession?" Brendon asks as he came in with food. "Food!" Dallon exclaimed as he and the guys grabbed the food from Brendon and let You and Brendon have some alone time. "Oh. Um... well... Brendon I know you're trying to get over Sarah but... I love you. I have since high school." You tell him. He smiled at you and kissed you softly. "It's about time you confess." He whispered.

You looked around the house once more. You walked over to the dining table and scribbled on a piece of paper. You walked back to the door and walked out.


Brendon returned home a few hours later. The house was empty, quiet and cold. "(Name)? I'm back. Listen, I know we had a huge fight. I'm sorry." He looked around the house. "(Name)?" He jogged up stairs and checked every room.


He checked the bathroom and guest rooms.


He ran into the kitchen, getting worried. On the dining table he spotted a piece of paper. It was your hand writing.

Dear Brendon, i don't know what I could say to bring you back to me. You cheated on me. With your ex. I get it. She's way prettier than me. And she's probably go on tour with you. I've loved you since high school. I was happy with you, until the last few weeks. You were distant. You weren't the same. But now I know why. You were the one who wasn't happy. So it's best if I leave. I'm glad I got to spend 4 years with you, Bren. I hope Sarah makes you as happy as you used to be.
I love you

"No. No, no, no, no!" Brendon quickly took out his phone and dialed your number. "Hey, you reached (Name). I'm not here right now so..." Brendon hung up and dialed Dallon. "Dal, please tell me (Name) is with you."

Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now