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You were walking down the street with your best friend, Dallon Weekes. "What's so bad about Spider-Man movies?" Dallon questioned. "Spider-man is cool, okay? But I just prefer DC universe over Marvel." Dallon gasped dramatically. "Who are you and what have you done with [Name]!?" You laughed as he shook your shoulders. "Dallon! Don't break her!! She's fragile!" A voice interrupts him. You both look towards the voice to find Brendon Urie and Zack Hall. "She doesn't like Marvel!" Brendon scoffed. "I agree with [Name]. DC all the way!" Brendon exclaims causing the group to laugh.

You, Brendon, Zack, Dallon, and Kenny were at Brendon's house. Everyone was sitting on the couch except for you and Brendon. You both were sitting on the floor in front of the tv, playing MKX. "No, no, no! Get up!" You yelled at the tv. Brendon laughed as the tv sounded. Fatality. You groaned as Brendon stood up in triumph. You pouted. You stood up, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You cheated!" Brendon laughed. "How did I cheat?" He asked, with a smirk on his face. You puffed out your cheeks. "I... You... I don't know!! But you cheated!!" All the guys laugh at the banter between you and Brendon. "My turn!" Kenny and Dallon exclaim in unison.

After a few rounds of MKX, you guys decide to watch [Movie]. From right to left was Dallon, Kenny, Brendon, you, and Zack. As the movie played, every now and then Brendon's leg would slightly touch yours. Your heart would beat rapidly at his touch. At first, you thought it was just an accidental brush but, then his fingers would graze the back of your hand. And soon, you two were holding hands without any of the guys noticing. His thumb would softly caress the back of your hand, causing your heart to race.

After the movie was over, everyone began to head home. As everyone walked out, Brendon quickly dragged you into his studio, without the guys seeing you two. Once you were in the studio, he had you up against the wall, his lips moving against yours. Your mind was clouded by the feeling of his lips on yours. You didn't understand what this meant, but at this moment you didn't care. As you two made out, a knock came to the studio door. You both pulled away from each other. "Hey, Bren, can you tell [Name] I'll see her tomorrow?" Dallon calls from the other side of the door. You and Brendon look at each other in surprise. "Uh, yeah." Dallon left, leaving you and Brendon alone again. "So, he knows?" Brendon questioned. You nodded. "I think he's always known." Brendon nods in understanding. "Now, that he knows... we can make it official then." Brendon kissed your lips softly. "Will you be my girlfriend, officially?" He asked you softly. You smiled at him. "Of course." He smiled at you and kissed once more, only deeper and rougher. He picked you up bridal style. He walked out of the studio into his bedroom where you both had a long and passionate night.

It's good to be back! Hope you guys actually request something. Haha. Remember to follow, vote, comment, and request! ✌🏼

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