Always There

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The sky was gray and cloudy. Thunder rumbles across the city. You sit on the railing of your porch, staring up at the dark sky. You didn't mind it, the weather. It was soothing. Interrupting your thoughts, your phone vibrates in your jean shorts pocket. On the screen is a picture of your boyfriend, Ryan Ross and you. You sigh. Things between the two of you have been terrible since you found out he cheated on you. You hesitantly answered the call. 


"Hey," Ryan speaks.

"Is everything okay?" You ask.

"Everything's great, actually. I just wanted to tell you I won't be home,"

"When will you be home?"

"Never. [Name], I've been cheating on you for 6 months now and--"

"I know," 

"Wait, what? You know?"

"Yep. I caught you 6 months ago. I've waiting to see how long it'd take you to admit it. Man, can you lie, Ross,"

"Wait, [Name],"

"I hope whatever that slut's name was worth it. I'm not waiting for you to love me. It's clear you never did," 


You hung up on him. You went to his contact and blocked his number. "Time to start over," You mutter to yourself. "Start what over?" You look up towards to voice to find Brendon Urie, your best friend, walk up to your porch. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on a date with... who was it this time? Shelly? Serena?" Brendon chuckles. "Sarah, for your information. And I was. But I had a feeling you needed me," You scoff. "He told you he was going to do it, didn't he?" Brendon nods. "We are in the same band. It's kind of hard to avoid that," You sigh. "Bren, you're a loyal friend. It's what's so great about you. But, go back on your date. I can take care of myself," You lean back, expecting to lean against the pillar, but instead, you fall over the railing into the rose bush. "[Name]!" Brendon jumps over the railing to help you out of the bush. "Mother fucker! That shit hurt," You cuss to yourself. "You're very fragile right now, [Name]," You shake your head. "No way! I'm totally okay. I'm fine. Absolutely fine. Fine," Brendon chuckles as he takes out a rose pedal from your [hair color] hair. "You can say you're fine until you're blue in your face. But it's not going to change the fact that you need me," Brendon states. You groan. "Okay, fine. But after tonight, you are going on that date with Shelby!" You state, walking up to the porch. "Sarah!" He corrected you as you both walk into your house. 

"Wait, you knew he cheated on you six months ago, and you still stayed?? That's just... that's crazy!!!" Brendon exclaims. "I wanted to see how long it'd take him to admit it," You say defensively. "That's still... you should've kicked his ass!" Brendon responds. "I mean, true, but... what's done is done, B," Brendon sighs looking at the clock. "[Name]," You look at him. He looks at you, something stirring in his eyes. You couldn't tell what it was exactly. "You deserve better than him. You deserve someone who will treat you with love and respect and someone who's loyal..." As he says these things, he's leaning toward you. Your cheeks are getting red, your heart racing. "Well, if you know of someone, let me know," You say softly. He chuckles softly as he places a hand on your cheek. "You're looking at him," Your eyes widen as his lips touch yours. The kiss was gentle and soft. The longer the kiss went, the more passionate it became. He wraps his arms around your waist as he brings you onto his lap. The kiss is getting deeper by the second until the front door slams open. You get off of Brendon to stare at the idiot who barged into your home. Ryan stood there in shock. "You... Brendon? I... how could you do this!?" Ryan yells at you.  "You're kidding right?" You ask him. "You and Brendon? How long have you two been fucking!?" His voice gets louder and louder. His voice was annoying you and without thinking, you punched him in the nose. "Ah! What the fuck!?" "We are done, Ross. I already told you, I'm done! You've been done over six months, so why the fuck are you getting angry!? You fucking cheated on me! You called me to tell me you're leaving me so why the fuck are you here!?" Brendon and Ryan look at you in shock. You take a deep breath before grabbing your sweater. "Both of you can leave," You walk out, leaving the two men in your living room.

When you walk outside, the rain started to pour down. You continue walking down the sidewalk. You couldn't believe anything that's happened in the past two hours. You felt it was all a dream until someone turned you around. Brendon stood there with you in the rain. "He's gone, now. Let's go back home," Brendon speaks. I shake my head. "I can't. It's not my home... I..." "Then come stay at my place," You look up at him. "Bren, I... I can't I don't want ruin you and Shelby's" "Okay, first of all, the wrong name, again. Second of all, we don't have anything. You and me... we have something. Why are you hesitant about us?" He asks softly. "It's one thing for you to be my friend, B. But for us to be a couple? I can't let you settle for someone like me," He sighs as he places his hands on your cheeks. "Settle? You are what every guy should aim for. You're sweet and kind and caring. You're a goofball but you're... my goofball. My life wouldn't be the same without you. So, I'm telling you, someone like you... I'm lucky I even know you. There's nothing wrong with someone like you. You're perfect just the way you are," He stares into your [eye color] eyes and places his lips onto yours. Your tongue tangles with his as his hands tangle themselves in your hair. "You were always there... why didn't I notice that?" He smiles at you. "Because I never showed you until now," Your kiss resumes in the pouring rain, not caring about the cold you both will get the next morning. 

[Sorry, It's been so long since an update! I've gotta say this book is my most successful one. 8k reads! WOW! You guys are awesome! Keeping reading! Remember requests are always open!]

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