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You hummed as 'Ignorance' by Paramore played on the radio. You were sitting in your room, dancing around the room and singing into your fake microphone, which happened to be your hair brush. "Don't wanna hear your sad songs, don't wanna feel your pain! You say it's all my fault, but you know we're not the same. No! We're not the same. No! We're not the same!" You sang into your brush at the top of your lungs. Good thing you lived alone. Chuckling came to your ears and you turned towards the door way. Brendon, your best friend, was watching you with an amused look. "Brendon! Ever heard of knocking!?" You exclaimed. "Hm. Probably. Doesn't mean I listen." He smirked at you. You huffed. You hated when he caught you doing silly and idiotic things. You didn't want to be his dorky best friend, even though you were his dorky best friend. You wanted to be the girl he couldn't stay away from. The girl he could talk about all day. The girl who he was deeply in love with. But he couldn't see you that. "You do a lot of dorky things, I'm surprised I haven't caught it on tape." Brendon says chuckling. "If you ever do, I will kill you." Brendon chuckled again. You loved his laugh. You loved everything about him. But you couldn't admit to that. "Good luck with that, shorty." He says patting your head. "Brendon, (Name) come on! Stop flirting and let's get to Kennys!" Dallon says walking in. You blushed. "We're not flirting!" Dallon smirked at you. "Yeah. I still don't get why you say that every time." Brendon says walking out of your room. Dallon walked over to you. "When is he gunna open his eyes and see that you are deeply in love with him?" He asked you. You sighed and shrugged. "Probably never."   Dallon placed his hand on your shoulder. "Maybe you should just tell him. Maybe he secretly loves you." Dallon suggested. You shook your head. "You can tell when someone is in love. I don't think Brendon has ever been in love." You followed Brendon out of your room, Dallon right behind you.

You, Zack, Kenny, Dallon and Brendon were in front of the tv, Dallon playing Fallout 4. "Oh, watch out for that!" Kenny exclaimed. Dallon groaned. "My turn!"Kenny says as he sits next to Dallon on the floor. You sat next Brendon as you guys watched Kenny play. You looked at Brendon. "Hey, B can I ask you something?" You asked him. He nodded. "Shoot." Dallon looked at you and nodded. "Have you ever been in love?" You asked him. Kenny, Dallon and Zack looked at you and Brendon. All the guys knew that you loved Brendon. But Brendon had no idea. "Nah. I don't know if I will ever be there. Why do you ask? Are you in love with someone?" Brendon asked nudging you and wiggling his eyebrows. Kenny, Dallon and Zack look back towards the tv. "Yeah I am. But, he doesn't have a clue. Ignorant." He nodded. "Well, you deserve way better than him. He's an ass for not noticing you." Brendon stood up to get another beer. The guys gave you a sympathetic look. "Brendon's right. He is an ass for not noticing." Zack whispered. You nodded and mouthed a 'thank you' to him.

Later on, you went outside on the patio to get some air. You stared up at the sky. It was clear and the moon shined bright. You sighed as you felt the pain of Brendon's words hit your heart. The pain soon became too much and you began to cry silently. "(Name)? What's wrong?" You quickly wiped your tears as soon as Brendon reached you. "It's nothing. Just go back inside, Bren." Brendon touched your shoulder, you backed away from him. "(Name)? What's going on? Is it that asshole you were talking about earlier?" Brendon asked firmly. "It's you! The asshole is you! I have been in love with you since God knows when! You are the most ignorant man I have ever met!! Everyone one else can see it! Why can't you?" You walked back into the house. "Hey guys, I think I'm gunna go."  You tell the guys. They nodded. "It'll be okay, (Name). You can power through it." Dallon says encouragingly. "Before I can, I have to sulk in my own pity." You walked out of the house and drove yourself home.

The next few weeks, Brendon tried to call, text, and FaceTime. He couldn't get ahold of you. You didn't get out much. Just to get the essentials. There was a knock on your door. You opened it, thinking it was gunna be your pizza you ordered. You didn't find the pizza guy. But the ignorant guy. You went to close the door but he stopped the door with his foot. "(Name), I haven't been able to get ahold of you. "Yeah, I know. I was ignoring you on purpose." You say in a monotone voice. "I didn't know you felt that way about me, (Name)! How was I supposed to know!?" You sighed frustratingly. "What would be the difference if you did know, Brendon? I mean do you feel any different about me now that you know?" Brendon stared at you, shocked by your attitude towards him. "Well, yeah." You shook your head. "Feeling pitiful towards me doesn't count." He blinked. "It's not pity. It's 'I hurt the most important woman to me. And I don't know how to fix it.' (Name) you call me ignorant but you are also. You didn't know, or anyone else for that matter, that I have been in love with you since we've become best friends. I always thought you never had any feelings so I never pursued it. If I had known, (Name)... I would've done this long ago." Brendon pulled you in for a kiss. You were shocked. "But you said..." Brendon smiled at you. "You really think I'd let them know my deepest feelings?" You smiled slightly. He grinned and kissed you again. "I love you, (Name)." Brendon whispered
"I love you too, Brendon."

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