Choose Me

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You sat in a diner with your best friend (best friends name). You two were spying on Brendon and Sarah. "So he broke up with Sarah for 5 months and then went out with you for those 5 months and now he's back with Sarah?" You nodded. "You have to beg him, if you want him to choose you." (Your Best Friends Name) said. You sighed and nodded. "I hate begging but... this is gunna have to do." (Your BF name) nodded.

Ten minutes pass, and Sarah gets up to go to the bathroom. "Now!" You quickly got up and slid into Brendon's booth. His eyes widened. "(Name)! What are you doing here!? You have to go, Sarah can't see you!" Brendon whispered looking around, paranoid. "Listen to what I have to say. She broke up with you. She broke your heart. I mended your heart and you moved on for five months. We had a blast, Bren. I mean for Gods sake I fell in love with you! And you were my best friend! She suddenly came back and you just dumped me. What's wrong with you? I am a fucking catch. I'm fucking great in bed. You know that. So I'm telling you to choose. Either you choose me and we spend our days like we have The last five months, or you choose her, where she'll break up with you for stupid reasons. So I'm telling you... choose me. I'm begging Brendon. You know how much I hate begging." Brendon stared at you and sighed. "You should go before she comes out." Brendon says softly. Your eyes began to get glossy, your heart breaking in two. "Have a good life, asshat." You say before leaving the  booth and diner altogether.

You sat in your room, crying into your pillow. You wouldn't pick up your phone or answer any texts. You were completely heart broken and you were still in love with the idiot. Usually when you were heart broken Brendon would be there to comfort you but since he's the one that broke your heart that wasn't possible. You closed your as you imagined being with Brendon. The taste of his lips, his bear hugs, his butterfly kisses, his smell... wait, you could actually smell his cologne. You opened your eyes to find Brendon's face right in front of you. You reacted as any normal person would and punched him in the face.  "Ow." He held his face in his hands. "Okay. I deserved that." He says as he rubs his nose. "What are you doing here Brendon?" You asked him softly. "Scoot over." He says. You sighed and did as he told you. He laid next to you, facing you. "Listen to me now. Sarah told me that she was pregnant. That's why I left you for her. It was out obligation. When I mentioned about getting married, she told me it wasn't mine. So I left her and I came here. These past five months have been amazing with you, (Name). If it were between you and her, I would choose you every time. Because I don't see a future with her. But I do with you. I can't imagine you not apart of my life. And I would rather you be part of my life this way than any other way. I choose you. I will always choose you." Brendon leaned in and kissed you softly, which you gladly returned the kiss. "I love you, (Name). Will you marry me?" You smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Another Brendon imagine! Hope you guys like it! Thanks for the reads! Keep On Reading!!!

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