The End of All Things [III]

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It's been a few days since Brendon told you that Sarah was pregnant. All the guys were determined to find out if Sarah cheated on Brendon. You always called off the guys, to stop them from whatever shenanigans they planned.
"But (Name)! This is keeping you two away from each other!!!" Kenny exclaimed. You sighed. "I'm well aware Kenny. But... like I said before. This is fate. They are meant to be." They all looked at you sadly.

You walked home a few hours later. It was dark and the moon was bright. You looked up at the moon.

You and Brendon were walking down the sidewalk in the moon light. "What's your favorite thing about night time?" Brendon asked you. You smiled and looked up. Brendon did so also. "The moon." Brendon hummed and looked at you. "It is beautiful, like you." Brendon says softly. You blushed slightly. "That was so cheesy." Brendon chuckled. "Corny? Yes it was. But..." He stopped you and snaked his arm around your waist bringing you closer. "I meant every word. The moon can't compare to you." He whispers before bringing you in for a passionate kiss.

You looked back down at your feet. "Who knew I'd ever hate the moon?" You muttered and kept walking.


Brendon stood out on his balcony looking up at the bright full moon. He sighed. "Brendon, are you okay?" Sarah asked. Brendon looked back at Sarah. "Yeah. Go to sleep. I'll be there in a bit." Sarah nods and goes back in. "This can't be my fate, can it?"


"Okay, that's it. We have to find out if it really is Brendon's baby. They've been apart too long." Dallon says. Kenny, Zack and Dan nodded. "So what's the plan?"


The next few days, Dallon, Kenny, Zack, and Dan all do research on Sarah and her whereabouts the past few weeks. "Oh! Check this out!" Dallon says as the guys gathered around him. "Ooh. Who would've known?" Kenny asked. They all high fives each other.

Later on, they all confronted Brendon. "Oh, hey what's up guys?" Brendon asked. "You'll never guess what we found." Zack says as Dallon hands him a few papers. Brendon read through them. His eyes widened. "That can't be... can it?" He asked them. "We confirmed it." Brendon nodded. "Thanks guys. I'll see you later." Brendon walked back inside his house. "Now it's up to him to choose." Dallon says to the guys. They all nodded, hoping he'll make the right call.

Brendon walked into his house and found Sarah on the couch. He placed a photo on the coffee table in front of her. She looked at the photo, shocked. "That was you and Ryan Ross walking out of your Dr. appointment two days ago. And this, is a DNA result. It says that the baby inside of you is Ryan's. Not mine." Sarah sighed as she began to cry. "I'm so sorry Brendon! I... I don't know why it happened it just did and I... im..." Brendon cut her off. "You have a week to pack your things, Sarah. We're through." Brendon walks out and gets in his car to find you.

You were in the cafe, working on some orders you had just received. "Can I have a double expresso?" You looked up to find Brendon. You looked at him surprised. "Oh, Brendon. Yeah, sure." You say professionally. "Listen, so the guys have been doing some digging on Sarah." Brendon began. You sighed. "I'm so sorry. I told them not to do this." You say as you began to make his double expresso. "They found out that the baby isn't mine. It's Ryan's." Your eyes widened.  "What?" He grinned. "(Name), we can be together again." You smiled at him. He held out his hand. You grabbed his hand and led you out from behind the counter. He pulled you to him. He got down on one knee. You put your hand over your mouth. He took out a velvet box and opened it up. "You are my soul mate, (Name). I love you with every part of my being. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. (Full Name), will you do me the honors of being my beautiful wife?" Everyone awed as they watched. You smiled and nodded. "Yes." Everyone cheered as Brendon stood up, placing the ring on your finger. He embraced you and kissed you deeply. He pulled away slightly. "My fate is with you. I love you, (Name)." He whispered. You smiled and blushed. "I love you too, Brendon." He kissed you once more, causing everyone to cheer you two on.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the many cliff hangers!! But it's my job to keep you all in suspense!! Thanks for all the votes and reads! I appreciate you! Keep reading!

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