Dear Diary [5]

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You opened your eyes up to a ceiling. It was unfamiliar. You heard beeping machines, causing you to look towards its direction. IV bags were set up beside you, wires and tubes everywhere. You looked down at your arm. The IV bags were connected to your arm. You were confused. You couldn't exactly understand why you were in a hospital. "Ah, you're awake, Miss [Surname]." You looked towards the voice. "I'm Dr. Santino. You gave us quite a scare." You furrowed your eyebrows. We? Who was we exactly? "What do you remember last?" He questioned you. "I-I remember... [Crazy Ex's Name]... manhandling me... a-and r-raping..." You took a shaky breath. "It's alright, Miss [Surname]. You were found by a... Brendon Urie. He called 9-1-1 immediately. Good thing he did. Who knows if you would've made it." Your eyes widened at his name. Brendon came? "Now you've-" The door opened. Brendon walked in. His gorgeous chocolate brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. He had a journal in his hands. He looked up at  Dr. Santino and then his eyes landed on you. His eyes widened. "[Name]? You're awake!?" He ran over to your bedside and brought to his chest. "O-Ouch." You muttered. He let go of you. "Sorry. I... I can't believe it... I mean, is she okay?" Dr. Santino smiled at him. "She is indeed. You were badly injured, Miss [Surname]. We had to go in and cauterize the bleeders in your abdomen. It'll take you several weeks, maybe even months before you fully recover." You nod to him. "T-Thank you." He nodded with a smile before walking out. Brendon cleared his throat. "Why didn't you tell me?" You looked at him. "Why wo-uld I?" I say softly. "You're my best friend, [Name]. You should've told me he was back." You looked away from him. "I didn't want to bother you with my problems." Brendon gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him. "Why?" He questioned. "You were so happy with Sarah. I didn't want to ruin that." He looked at you in disbelief. He handed you the journal in his hand. Your eyes widened. "Are you sure that's the reason?" He questioned. "You read it?" He nodded. "Every entry." You looked away from him. "Go, Brendon." His eyebrows furrowed. "What?" You looked at him with a hard expression. "I said, go. I'll be fine without you. I've been fine this past year. So just go. Sarah needs you more than I do." Brendon scoffed. "[Name], you're being-" "GO!" You yelled at him. His eyes widened. He backed away from the bed and walked out the door. You stared at your lap where the journal was at. You flipped it to the next blank page. You grabbed a pen that was laying on the tray next to you. 

Dear Diary,

He found me. He knows everything, and I told him to leave. Why would I do that? I prayed he would find me and he did. he saved my life. So why did I just tell him to leave? Maybe it's because I don't deserve to be saved. Maybe it's because he's better off without me. Maybe... I should've died instead of being rescued. I'm not good enough for him. I never was.


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