Valentines Day

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Happy Valentines Day Lovlies!! This is for all you people who love Brendon! Which is everyone who reads this book xD. Enjoy!

The sun was shining brightly through your (color) curtains. The sun's rays hit your (skin color) face, waking you from your deep slumber. You squinted your eyes as they adjusted to the light. You sat up slightly to find the other side of your bed empty. You looked at the spot questioningly. You stood up and felt something soft underneath your feet. A trail of red rose pedals led out of the room. You followed the trail, curiosity getting the better of you. You followed the trail downstairs to find your loving boyfriend standing in the middle of the living room, holding a bouquet of roses. You smiled at him softly. "Brendon, what is this?" He grinned. "You've been very busy and stressed at work and I thought since it's your day off... we could have a day to ourselves to relax." You smiled at the brown eyed man in front of you. You walked over to him and kissed him as you took the roses from his hands. "I made your favorite breakfast. (Favorite food)." You grinned as you saw two plates on the table. You jumped up and down. "Oh Bren! You're the best!" You kissed his cheek before running to the table. He laughed and followed you to the table.

After breakfast, you and Brendon watched a few episodes of (random show). After that, you two got ready to go have lunch with Dallon and his girlfriend, Breezy.
"Oh my gosh! How romantic!" Breezy gushed to you. You smiled at her. "Why don't you do that for me Dallon?" Breezy says glaring at the goofy brunette. Dallon gave Brendon a look. "Gee, thanks Brendon." You all laugh heartily. "So what'd Dallon do for you?" You asked her. "I've been waiting to tell you!" She flashed her hand at you. Her ring finger was decorated with a beautiful diamond ring. You gapped at her. You looked at Dallon then at Breezy. Dallon had a cheesy grin on. "Oh my gosh!! Congratulations!!" You squeal. Breezy squealed with you. "It's about time, dude." You told Dallon. He rolled his eyes. Brendon smiled at how happy you were. "Let's order desert. It's on us." Brendon says happily. Everyone nodded and went on with lunch.

A few hours later, You laid on on the couch, reading (book title). Brendon jumped on top of you. You lower your book to find Brendon's adorable face close to the book. "Can I help you, Valentine?" You asked him. "It's 7." He says with a mischievous grin. "Uh huh. I'm glad you can tell time." You say raising up your book to cover his face. "You need to get ready." He says lowering your book. "For what?" He grins. "For dinner of course my sweet, beautiful girlfriend." You raised an eyebrow. "But you already did the Valentines breakfast and lunch." He nods. "And now we're doing dinner. So get ready!" He says running up to the room you both share. You giggle to yourself. "What would I do without him?"

An hour later, you got ready in a (favorite color) dress. Your curled your (hair color) hair. Once you finished getting ready, you walked down stairs. Once you got down stairs, Brendon stood by the door wearing one of his nicest suits he had. He smiled softly at you as you came down. "You look beautiful. Are you ready to go to dinner?" You smiled and nodded.

Brendon took you to an empty park. The park had lights every where, lighting up the path through the park. He brought you to a bench that was decorated with candles and two plate settings and roses. "Brendon when did you...?" You trail off. "Dallon may have helped." He admitted. You sat down and so did he. Two waiters came out and placed food out in front of you. "Before we dig in, I wanna say something, (Name)." Brendon says smiling at you lovingly. You nodded for him to continue. "(Name)... you amaze me every day. You're beautiful and smart and tougher than any girl I've ever known. I've adored you for so long and being with you makes me think I could do this the rest of my life." He stood up and went to your side, bending down on one knee. He brought out a red velvet box. Your (eye color) eyes widened. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "(Full Name) will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" You stared at the ring for what seemed like forever. You jumped into his arms... okay well you more like stumbled because let's face it... you were on a park bench and it's not easy to off those in a dress. You gave him a passionate and heated kiss. "You're an idiot to think that I would say no." He grinned and kissed you again. He slipped the ring onto your finger. "Let's eat, shall we lovely Valentine?" You smiled at him and nodded. "We shall."

Hope you liked it!! I know it's a little late, but hey I'm a mother of a toddler! Leave me be. Vote, comment, follow and request! Keep on reading guys!

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