Until the End

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***REQUESTED BY @CheyenneW128 ***

You sit in an exam room, fiddling with your fingers. The doctor is telling you the results from your lab work. You drown out her voice. How were you going to get through this? How were you going to tell your husband? Or your friends? "Mrs. Urie? Are you alright?"

You get home to find your husband, Brendon playing games with Jake Chams. "Hey, [Name]!" You smile at Jake. "Hey, Jake. You staying for dinner?" Jake nods. "If it's alright with you, of course," You grin at him. "You're always welcome," You walk into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Brendon follows you. "Hey, so what did the doctor say?" You take a deep breath before you open your mouth.

"What seems to be the problem today?" Dr. Tourtine asks you. "Well, my husband and i were thinking about getting pregnant. We wanted to make sure everything is going okay," Dr. Tourtine nods. "Very well. Let's take some blood work and give you an ultrasound and check out how things are going,"

After getting the results and the ultrasound done, you and the doctor went back to the exam room. "According the both the results and ultrasound, you have breast cancer. It's a stage IV cancer. We can try to treat it, but there's a 5% chance that you'll survive," You look down at your lap. "How long do i have?" You look into her eyes. "A month or so,"

"We can discuss it after Jake is gone. Go ahead and hang out," Brendon furrows his eyes before heading back to Jake.

After dinner, Jake stands up. "That was delicious as always, [Name]. I have to get going. Gotta finish that video edit! Thanks for inviting me over!" Jake leaves the house and you start picking up the table. "Okay, so what is it? Why have you been quiet all day?" Brendon asks. You stay silent as you walk to the kitchen with the dishes. Brendon follows you. "[Name], come on. You haven't been this silent since--" Brendon becomes silent.  "You haven't been this silent since your mother had breast cancer and died from it," You turn around to face him. "You have breast cancer, don't you?" You nod. "It's not treatable," Brendon's expression becomes hardened. He storms out of the kitchen and into his studio. You look down at the floor. You didn't know how to smooth this over with him, so you gave him some space.

That space lasted almost a month later. You stayed in the attic, getting weaker and weaker by the day. Jake and Brendon were in his studio. "What's [Name] up to? I havent seen her all day," Jake asked. "I don't know," Brendon answers coolly. "Brendon, what's going on?" Brendon shakes his head. "She has cancer," Jake's eyes widen. "I haven't talked to her for a couple of weeks. So, I don't what's she been doing," Jake sighs. "You need to find out, make sure she's okay. You don't want her to die without you telling her you'll always love her, do you?" Brendon sighs and nods. "You're right," Jake nods. "Yes, I am. You need to make sure she knows you love her more than anything in this world.

After Jake left, Brendon went to your room. You were nowhere to be found. Brendon searched every room in the house. He couldn't find you anywhere. When he passed by the bathroom upstairs, he ran into you. "[Name]! There you are!" He looked at your figure. You were skinnier than before, and your skin was slightly jaundiced. "Why do you look like you're..." You look away from him. "You should get back to whatever you're doing," You start to make your way to the attic. "You've been staying in the attic?" You sigh, turning to him. "I'll always love you, Brendon," You walked up to the attic without another word.

You lie down on the mattress in the attic. Your breathing is shallow. "[Name]! Hey. Are you okay? Do you- need anything?" Brendon runs to you, sitting you up. "I-I'm sor-ry. I--" Brendon wraps his arms around you, holding you close to his chest. "I will always love you, [Name]," He whispers. You look up at him. "P-promise me - something,"Brendon nods as tears spill from his chocolate brown eyes. "Don't m-mourn me too l-long. Be with s-someone who supports y-you in all of your endeavors," He nods, sniffling. "I promise, baby girl," You smile weakly at him. Brendon caresses your cheek. He kisses your lips softly. As he pulls away, your body goes limp. Brendon cries, holding your body close. "I'll love you forever," At that very moment, the full moon shined on the two of you. Brendon looks up at the window. He smiles slightly. "You always loved the moon," He whispers. He kisses your forehead but taking out his phone and calling the ambulance.

A few weeks later, Brendon had a memorial for you. All of your friends and his friends showed up. "This was a nice memorial, B. She would have loved it," Jake tells him as the two of them sit alone. "I wasted a month being mad at her," Jake listened intently. "In the end, she wanted me to move on. She thought about me, even in last moments," Jake smiles sadly. "That was the kind of person she was. Always put the ones she loved before herself," Jake hugged Brendon. "She'll always be with you, until the end," 

[I apologize if it was too short! Hope you enjoy it ~ }

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