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You paced around in your room. Brendon was on tour, and you were stressing out. On your desk, was your phone that was counting down. You ran a hand through your  (hair color) hair. You walked into your bathroom and grabbed something small. You looked down and took a deep breath. "This is gunna tear us apart."

You laid on your bed as the rain platters on the windows. Brendon was on a radio show, being interviewed. You rolled over to your side, tears in your eyes. You held your stomach protectively. You and Brendon weren't a couple. You were best friends. But one day you and the guys got drunk and you two had drunk unprotected sex. You two never spoke of that night again. So this news, was going to drive you two apart.

Since that night, you and Brendon were all awkward and weird with each other. So you had started to confide in Dallon. You told Dallon about that night and he's kept to himself and has listened to your problems about that night. You picked up your phone and face timed Dallon. You sat up as it rang. "Hey what's up, (Name)?" Dallon says as he shows up on your phone screen. You looked at him seriously. "Dal... I need to tell you something." He nodded as you told him the news.

"What!? No way! Aren't you on...?" You nodded. "How then!?" He exclaimed. You were about to answer when the DJ on the radio interrupted. "So Brendon, do you have a special girl back at home?" You looked at the radio, waiting for his answer. "Actually, I do. We've been friends for a long time. And I never told her how special she was to me." Brendon says. You looked at Dallon on your phone. "He's gotta be talking about you." Dallon says quietly. "Well, then. Why don't you tell her? Let's call her right now!" The DJ says. "Hang up, right now! If he doesn't call then call me back!" You nodded and ended the Face Time session. As soon as it ended, your phone rang again. You turned down the radio and answered it. "Hello?"
"Is this (Name)?" You closed your eyes.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"Hi, I'm (random DJ name). I'm talking with Brendon here. And your name came up."
"Hey, (Name)." Brendon says.
"Hey, B."
"Listen, (Name). Brendon has something to tell you."
"Um, okay? Is everything okay, Bren?" You asked.
"Yeah. Everything's fine. It's just... we've been friends for a long time."
"Yeah, I'm aware of that."
"And w-well... the last time we, uh hung out... you had a good time right?"
You laughed slightly. "Um. Yeah."
"What I'm trying to tell you, (Name)... you're special to me."
"Well, duh. I am your best friend after all."
"No. I mean yeah you are. But that's not what I mean. I mean... I have been... in love with you ever since we became best friends." Your eyes widened. "You have?"
"Yeah. So I need to know, (Name). Do you feel the same way too?" You smiled. "Of course, I do."
"Mhm. Why don't you finish your interview and we can talk more about this. In private."

30 minutes later, Brendon Face Timed you. "Hey." He says slightly blushing. You smiled at him. "Hey. Listen, before you say anything about what you said on that radio show. I need to tell you something." Brendon nodded. "Okay. What's up?" You sighed. "I've been feeling sick all week. And... I didn't eat anything weird and it wasn't going away. So I took a pregnancy test." Brendon's eyes widened. "What was the results?" He asked. "B, we're having a baby." Brendon's face went pale. "I know that changes a lot of things. And I understand if..." Brendon cut off as he start screaming. "Guys! I'm gunna be a father!" He says excitedly. You raised an eyebrow. He looked into the camera. "(Name), this baby doesn't change a damn thing. I'm still in love with you. That night wasn't a mistake. My feelings have been bottled up inside. And that was the result. We're having a baby." He says grinning. You smiled at him. "Yeah. We're having a baby." Brendon jumped onto the couch. "Let me talk to my baby daughter or son." You pointed the camera at your stomach. "Listen here, little one. Daddy's touring right now. But I promise I will be there as soon as I can. Don't give your mom too much hell. I love you." Brendon says. You smile. "And I love you, (Name)." He blew you a kiss. "I love you too Bren." He grinned. "Bye. I'll call you tomorrow." You nodded and you both hung up. You laid down on your bed. "This isn't gunna tear us apart after all."

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