Movie Night Part 3

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I'm excited! I actually updated that wasn't weeks apart! Remember to comment, vote, follow, and request! It can be on this book or another one. Enjoy the read!

You stared at your phone. Ever since a few nights ago, Brendon hasn't bothered to text or call you. Not even Dallon or Kenny bothered to text, call or stop by. You leaned against the head board of your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You flash back to when you told Brendon about your dead parents.

"This is what happened. I was 15. I had gotten mixed up with a bad group of kids. When I realized that I didn't want to be involved with them, I told them to leave me alone. Clearly, they didn't like that. One day, my parents sent me to the store. While I was at the store, that group of kids drove by my house and shot my house down. My parents were in the living room at the time. Both of them. When I got home... The police and ambulance surrounded my house. When I told them who I was, they took me in for questioning. They finally came to the conclusion that I wasn't at fault so they let me go." Brendon stared at you, overwhelmed by what you just told him. "I... I need to go let everyone know the weddings off. I'll see you later." Brendon kissed your forehead before going back into the venue.

You sighed as you brought your knees to your chest. You rested your forehead on your knees. Maybe... it's really over. Maybe... we just weren't meant to be... You thought to yourself. You held your phone in your hands. You peaked down at the phone, your forehead still resting on your knees. You pressed the home button and the screen lit up. Your lock screen was of you and Brendon laughing. You sighed again, for the millionth time. As you stared at the screen, Dallons picture suddenly appeared. You pressed the green button and put the phone to your ear. "Hello?" You say softly. "(Name) you gotta get over here! Quick! It's important. Urgent." You raised an eyebrow. "Did Breezy break your nose again?" You asked uninterested. "What? No. Get your ass over here!" You sighed. "Okay. Where you at?" You asked, staring out at the window. "The park across from your house." You hummed. "I'll be there in a sec." Tou and Dallon hung up. You slipped on (brand of shoe) and headed out across the street. The sun was setting. You wanted to get whatever he wanted over with. You walked through the park, searching for the goofball. Once you hit the pond, you froze. The trees around the pond was beautifully lit. Under an oak tree, was a trail of rose petals and Brendon standing at the end of the trail, holding a rose in his hand. You walked toward Brendon. He smiled softly at you. "You made it." He says as you stop a few feet in front of him. "What is all this?" You asked, unsure of what to make of the scene before your eyes. "(Name), you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. As we grew up together, I never realized how much you meant to me. You're smart, and funny. You're beautiful on the inside and out. You never fail to surprise me. You're who I look forward to see every day. And you will continue to be the face I want to see every day. Only this time..." Brendon got down on one knee. "I want to see your face when I wake up every day for the rest of my life. (Full name) will you please marry me already?" You were completely baffled by the words he said. By his entire proposal. "Brendon... I... what about what I told you? You didn't text or call me all day." Brendon chuckled. "I was getting this proposal ready. Your parents death wasn't your fault. So... marry me." You stared down at the man before youbwith glossy eyes. You nodded your head. "Okay. I will." Brendon grins and slipped the ring into your finger. He stood up and hugged you tightly. He kissed you softly, yet passionately. "(Name)... I love you so much." He muttered against your (skin color) lips. You smiled, loving the fact that this was your reality. "I love you too, Brendon." He smiled and kissed you again as he spun you around. Clapping was heard ins the background. You and Brendon turned to the noise. Dallon, Kenny, Brendon's mom and All of your friends were there staring at you two in awe. You smiled. "Finally, you guys are getting hitched!" Dallon exclaimed as everyone laughs and agreed. "I think it's time... you move in with me... Soon To Be Mrs. Urie." You blushed and nodded. "I think you're right, Mr. Urie." He kissed the top of your head. "Lets all go out to eat! My treat!" Brendon announces. Everyone cheered and began to leave the park to the nearest pizza parlor.

The End! For reals this time xD Just a reminder, I do not have anything against Sarah. It's just a good story twist. So, comment, vote, request, follow. Check out my other stories also. I don't have many out at the moment but I'm working on it! Thanks for reading and I love you guys!

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