Chapter 6

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Cameron's POV

I hop into the drivers seat of the car and turn the key. Today has been the best day and it is about to get a thousand times better. I look in the top mirror of my jeep and i see Kylie laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach. God, she was so beautiful. I keep telling my self that i don't like her and that i am in love with Courtney, but i fall for her harder and harder everyday that we are together. 

As i look to the left of Kylie i see the girl that i used to love to the moon and back, Courtney. She was just sitting there looking out the window. She just looked so dull and lifeless, definitely not the girl i once was in love with. 

As we pull up to the beach front Kylie jumps out of the car faster then i could undo my seat belt. 

"Come on guys were going to be late!" She says practically running up to the counter where they took the tickets to get inside. 

We walk over to the counter and hand in our tickets. It didn't look to busy because it was only at our local beach, but there was still a couple thousand people in the stands. 

The concert didn't start for another 15 minutes so me and Courtney decided to get some snacks while Nash and Kylie saved our seats. I didn't really want to go anywhere alone with Courtney because we haven't been on the best terms since Kylie came to live with me and Nash, but i guess we should clear things up.

"Okay Cameron listen up." she says pushing my arm. 

"What do you think your doing letting this random girl into you house!! You met her on a damn plane and got obsessed so you just let her live with you! i have known you for 3 years and never have you once let me stay more then a week!!!" she says practically screaming in my face. I cant believe her. 

" Don't even think of blaming her for any of this! Its not her fault her idiotic father beat her until she was forced to leave the house!!" 

I shut up after i say the last sentence. I cant believe i just said that. She told me never to tell anyone about her dad and now i had just told the one person she didn't want knowing. 

"Wait, what" Courtney says confused. 

"Shit" I say under my breath, but she must have heard me. 

"Oh so because she has a rough past you thought you could protect her, that's cute" she says sarcastically. 

"Well guess what Cameron, you cant protect her from the rest of the world" 


Heyy guys sorry this is a pretty short chapter but it has a lot going on in it so ya:) What do you guys think of Cameron telling Courtney? 

anyways i will update soon:) byee<3

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