Chapter 48

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Kylie's POV

I stand there in silence and take in what I had just heard. My eyes start to get hazy and my stomach is in knots.

That's when it hit me.

I drop my phone to the ground and start crying. Then the crying turns into screaming.

Cameron rushes into the room as I am on the floor crying and screaming at the top of my lugs.

"Oh my gosh Kylie what happened!?!" he asks holding onto my shoulder, but I push him off.

I stand up and pace back and fourth, practically hyperventilating. At this point I cannot see from crying so hard and I feel like I am going to pass out.

"Hello!" I hear a small voice coming from the phone. I bend down slowly and pick up the phone.

"H-hello" I barley say.

"Now you need to listen to me, were the police and we need some information from you. We found her in you house, She had been beaten. Do you have any information?" they say and I scream even louder pressing end.

My breathing increases and I back up into a wall, sliding down it and curling into a ball.

"Kylie please tell me what is going on" Cameron say in complete shock. I could tell he was scared.

"I-it, M-my dad" is all I manage to get out.

I look up from my lap and see that Cameron is in a total shock.

"What did he do!?" he asks running his hand through his hair.

"He killed my mom" I say and I almost pass out just saying it.

Cameron doesn't say anything he just sits there looking at me in shock. We look at each other and I try not to cry any harder then I already am.

"But the worst thing is, he will be looking for me next" I say now balling into Cameron's shoulder.

That's when he lost it. He got up and grabs his keys, heading out the door with me right behind him.


Heyy guys so this is a short chapter ik but I'm a writing it legit in class lool but anyways I will be updating again tonight:)


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