Chapter 52

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Kylie's POV

As I look through the crowd I see so many familiar faces. People that watched me grow up, and came to see where I was today. And to me, that's all I ever wanted.

"My mom was the closest person I had growing up," I say looking down at my sheet

"Uh, she was always there for me when times were rough"

I stop there and wonder if I should even continue. It had no emotion, it wasn't how I really felt about her death at all.

"No, my mom wouldn't want me to read off of a sheet for 10 minutes explaining how sad it is that she's gone. We already know that" I say putting my papers to the side

"My mother was my rock growing up. whenever something was wrong she would come and help Me through it. I didn't have the best childhood, for those of you who know me really well. Even though I would come home crying every single day because someone at school was calling me names, or punching or shoving me, my mom would be there ready to face what ever walked through that door. And let me tell you, every single thing you could imagine did.

There were so many times that I wish I had said thank you or helped her with something. All of those little this come back and haunt you. But right now, I want to thank her. Thank you mom for being my best friend. Thank you for holding me all night while I cried myself to sleep. Thank you for supporting everyone in this room for that matter, because I know all of you wouldn't be here if she didn't.

Thank you mom for being a mom, because in the end that's all I ever wanted. Was to have a mom that cared about me more than I did myself. I know I will miss you until the day I am gone, but all great things must come to an end, so new ones can be found.

So thank you mom"

When I stop talking I realize I had been sobbing through out the while speech, along with most of the people in the room. Looking back at my old speech, it was to dull and lifeless. My mom deserves something so much better.

As I walk back to my seat Cameron gives me a warm smile. I could tell that he was crying to because his eyes were red and bloodshot.

"I wish I could have met her" he says to me.

"She would have loved you" I say back holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder.


"Thank you so much for coming" I say as the last person leaves the church and I am left alone with my three aunts and Cameron.

"Well that's the last of them, would you two like to get some dinner with us?" my aunt Jen asks me and Cameron.

"Ya sure" we both say.

As we head out of the church I see the same man standing out side near the front entrance. He isn't looking at me this time though, he is looking at Cameron.

"Do you know that guy?" I hear Cameron whisper in my ear. He must notice him too.

"No, I don't think so"

"Hold my hand" he says, and I do.

"I don't want him coming near you"

Cameron helps me into the car and he gets in right behind me.

"Everyone in?" my aunt asks.

"Yep" we all say as she starts to drive away.

I look out the window and try to look for the mysterious man, but I see that he has disappeared.


Hey guys so this chapter is a bit sad and I have to say I teared up a bit writing it :'( but I hope you enjoyed!

Bye :)

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