Chapter 21

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Nash's POV

I walk in side and I don't see anyone, so I take a seat on the couch. I turn on the tv and scroll through Netflix. I watch 'Friends with benefits' because to be quite honest that was my favourite movie.

"Hello?" Angie says while walking through the door with bags of groceries.

"Hey, let me help you with that" I say taking some if the bags and placing them on the courter.

"Well aren't you in a better mood" she says with a smile.

"Yea, I just needed some time to cool off" I say with a smile.

"Well what happened? Who did u go out with?"

"At first it was just me, but then I met this really nice girl when I was out" I say and I can't help but blush.

"Awe Nash that's so cute, what's her name?"

"Ashley" I said taking a seat at the table.

"Oh our new neighbour?" she asked.

"Yea, we'll there Daughter"

"I would be careful with her Nash, I have met the parents and she seems to get into trouble" she says with a sigh.

"Trouble? what type?"

"Parties, boys, stuff like that"

"That's not 'trouble' that's called being a teenager" I say with a laugh. For a second there she scared me.

"What ever you say hun, just be careful" she says putting the food away.

"Do me a favour, and go check on Cameron?" she asks

"Sure where is he?"

"In the backyard" she says and I get up and walk to the back door.

I open the screen door and walk outside. I scan around and see to figures sitting on the chair by the ocean.

I walk down there and see Cameron and Kylie.

"Cameron?" I say and then I realize it. They were totally making out.

"Nash! what are you doing here?!" he asks getting up while Kylie stays sitting down.

"Listen, I don't want Kylie anymore, if you really like her then I will back off." I say.

"Ok what girl did u meet now?" he says and I laugh.

"Ashley, our new neighbour"

"Oh cool I met her yesterday, she pretty hot" he says and we both smirk.

"We'll just saying that me liking some other girl is the least of our problems, your mom wants you" I say back.

"Shit, I can't hide Kylie away from her forever."

"I know, so I think you should tell her about you guys. Well if you are officially together."

"How about I take her out for dinner tomorrow night? it's perfect because it's the last night if summer and then I will ask her." he said excitedly.

"That's perfect, and don't worry about your mom, I will take care of her." I say and he smiles."

"Thanks dude" he says, pulling me into a 'guy hug'.

"Now leave me and Kylie alone" he says and I laugh while walking up to the house.


Heyy guys so I'm sorry this chapter is boring and short:( but I am trying to make them longer it's just that it's really hard because I am so busy with school and sports and stuff like that. but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)


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