Chapter 61

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Kylie's POV

"Mrs. Dallas please come up to defend Ms. Kylie Paterson" the judge says as Cameron's mom walks to the front.

I take a deep breath as a million thoughts race through my mind. I want to win so badly, I don't know what will happen if we don't. It could all be over for me.

"Mrs. Dallas please state if the following statements are correct," the judge says and she nods.

"Kylie had been sexually abused by Fredric Paterson"


"She has been physically abused"


"She has been verbally and mentally abused"


I look down at my lap as the list go's on and on. I don't have the gut to look at anyone, especially cameron right now.

"Ms. Paterson, you agree with all of these statements?"

I look up from my lap and look around the room. I see my dad, sitting on the other side of the room. I see cameron who's sitting next to me. I see all of the officials and jury. They all get to hear what he put me through.

"Yes, I agree"

"Alright then, let's move on" the judge says looking around the room and taking a breath.

"Do you have any evidence of the scenes that have been going on Ms. Paterson?"


"Umm, no" I say.

"Is there any witnesses that saw the scene"

"My mom, but she's not here today"

"Are there any scars or bruises from these events"

Yes, there are but not enough. Just a few, they all healed and you wouldn't believe me anyways so there's no point.


"Okay, Mrs. Dallas could you please tell
me what you know about the events with Kylie and her father"

"Kylie has been physically and verbally abused since the age of 12 and has been harmed and frighted by these scenes. This had been a continues thing through tall of her school years until the age of 17."

That was all we needed, because it was the truth. I couldn't thank her enough for all of her help, but now it's my fathers turn.

"Thank you Mrs.Dallas, please come up Mr. Paterson to tell about the event"

My dad walks up to the front and makes his way to the podium. He looks dressed up, in a white dress shirt and a black tie. Black jeans and shoes and his hair jelled back off of his face.

"Mr. Paterson have you ever physically, sexually or verbally abused Kylie in the past?" the judge asks.


A dead straight lie.

"Do you have any evidence that Kylie is lying?"


My heart stops beating. How on earth does he have any evidence?

"I have a tape, of me and her from a week ago talking about her mothers death. We are getting along perfectly fine and there is no physical contact."

I look as my dad passes the tape to the judge to be played by the officials. I have no clue what is on this recording or what I am doing but I never saw my dad since the airport.

The officials watch and scan the video for around ten minutes before they tell the judge wether or not it is real or fake.

"Okay, Mr. Paterson the video is clear evidence of you and Kylie, yet we will possibly need more information"

"Fine, ask any teacher Kylie has had in the past about parent teacher interviews or meetings, I was always the one there to bring her and have the discussion."

That's because you would beat me right before we left and tell me to be a good little bitch or I will get it again after. I would say that, but I can't speak without the judge telling me too.

"Okay Mr. Paterson, do you agree to take Kylie with the supervision of an officer for 10 hours a day"


"Do you agree that you will be under probation for the next 12 months and of anything is places on your permanent record then you will be sent to jail and Kylie will be given to the Dallas family"


This is when my heart starts racing through my body and my thoughts are all jumbled up in my head.

"Okay Mr. Paterson, you officially have full custody over Kylie"


Hey everyone so let me start off by thanking everyone for 1 million read like omfg!!!! thank you thank you thank youuu<333

But anyways I promised you all a good chapter so here it is:)

Byee <3

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