Chapter 9

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Kylies POV

Before I could finish my sentence the last thing I expected had happened. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. It was what I have been waiting to do ever since I met him. He pulled me in closer, deepening the kiss and making it more romantic.

I pulled away before it went any further and rested my forehead on his and for a minute we just smile. We smiled because we know what just happened was perfect in everyway possible. I rested my head on his Chest and he pulled me into a hug. His near to 6 foot frame towered over my small body.

" I have been waiting to do that for so long" He said

I looked up at him with a smile. "Me too"

He hugs me tighter, slightly lifting me off the ground and I giggle just because I am so happy. I finally felt like life was being good to me. Like I was in a safe place for once in my life.


We hear Nash practically scream from the living room. Me and Cam rush down stairs and see Nash walking back and forth with a phone in his hands and tears falling from his eyes. I look over at Cameron and he looks just as confused as I do.

"What's going on?!?!" Cameron asks Nash holding his shoulders.

"I-its Courtney, She's been in a car accident"

Cameron POV

I run to the car trying my hardest not to cry. I feel so stupid for kissing Kylie, when I had the chance to kiss her. I have only known her for 3 weeks and I rushed into things way to fast. Now my girlfriend is fucking dyeing and I could have prevented that.

We pull up to the hospital and I don't even bother taking the elevator, I just run up the stairs. We make our way to the front desk and a lady around the age of 30 looks up at us and smiles.

"Hi can I help you" she says nicely. She doesn't even notice that we have been crying.

"Yes can we see Courtney Summers please?" I say, My voice cracking from crying so much.

She takes a deep breath and I become nervous. Her smile slowly fades as she looks at us.

"She is in serious conditions and only close friends and family can see her" She said.

"Follow me this way" she motions us to turn the corner.

I see Kylie trying to come with us but I turn around and stop her.

"Where the hell do you think your going?" I say harshly.

"I need to see if she's ok Cam"

"No kylie, you have messed us up already so why don't you just go back to Texas and leave us alone" I say and she looks down trying not to cry.

"You don't mean that" She says whispering.

"I mean all of that! It should have been you getting hit not her!!" I scream with tears falling from my eyes.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes as well. "Well next time you kiss a girl, tell them that before you do. I wouldn't want them to ever feel the way I do right now."

And with that, she rushed out of the hospital doors.


Heyyy guys so another chapter done yyaayy! I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry that the chapters are short but I really am trying to update as much as I can to make up for it:) anyways give some feed back about this chapter and any ideas that u guys have because I love hearing them<3


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