Chapter 57

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Kylie's POV

As I get into the car and look across the seat I see my dad sitting there in hand cuffs. I scream for help but no one can hear me. I don't know where I am going and why I am going there the only thing I know is that I am scared out if my mind.

As they pull up to what looks like a police station I have a slight sigh of relief. As long as I am near somewhere safe then I am fine. Surprisingly, my dad hadn't said anything the whole drive. Just a few glances and stairs but other then that, nothing.

They park the police car and grab my dad, pushing and shoving him. they just lead me out of the car, not harming me at all.

We walk into the Station and I am a bit confused. there were no cells or prisoners, just a bunch of officers and a couple of rooms where they question people.

They lead us into a room and sit us down with three other officers. the last officer to go through the door locks it shut before sitting down.

"Okay, we have a lot to talk about" the only female officer says to us.

"Why am I here?" I ask concerned.

"Because this man is your father, yes?" I don't say anything because it's true. this horrible man sitting beside me is my father.

"Your here because you don't have legal rights to live with the Dallas family" and my heart sinks.

"What?! I have been fine for the past year what the hell do you even mean!" I say in a panic.

"Listen, by law you are allowed to stay with them. yet since your father wants you to live with him, he has the right to take you"

"What the hell! he killed my mother and you want me to live with him?! he's going to kill me to!" I say getting up from my seat, now screaming.

Officers rush over to me and sit me back down, trying to calm me but nothing is working.

"Kylie, there is no prof of who killed your mother, and since he is the only family member who wants to take you, he gets you" they say getting up, about to leave.

"I'm sorry but you can't stay with the Dallas family anymore"

As they were just about to leave I try my only hope.

"Is there any way I can stay with them!"

"Well there is one way, your dad must be accused of committing some sort of crime" and they walk out of the room.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Heyy everyone so I missed you all but I am back! I hope you all had a lovely spring break if you did have one lool and I will be updating regularly now :)

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter :))


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