Chapter 56

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Cameron's POV

As we walk out is the airport Nash pulls up the car and we both get in. I slam the door shut and Nash looks at me in surprise.

"What the hell happened to your face?!" he asks in surprise.

"Kylie's dad, long story but we have to leave now" I say back, and he is already driving away.

"What the hell happens with her dad?" he ask after a couple of minutes. at this point Kylie is silent sitting in the back seat.

"He found us while we were in Texas, now he's here and he wants her"

"She will have to stay with us then, at all times" he says and I completely agree.

We pull up into the drive way and park the car. Nash gets out first followed by me and Kylie. We open the door and see Ashley sitting on the couch. She is listening to some music so she didn't hear us walk in.

"Hey Ashley? Ashley!" Nash yells and she takes our her headphones.

"Oh hey, Woah what happened?!" she says as she sees me and Kylie.

"We had a little run in with Kylie's dad" I say throwing the keys on the counter.

"Oh my god where is he now?"

"Don't worry about him, he's with the the cops now, most likely going to jail" I say.

Just as she was about to say something back I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and swing it open. I look up and see that there are 3 police officers standing in front of me.

"Uh, can we Help you?" I say in confusion. I thought they said they didn't need us anymore.

"Yes, is Kylie Paterson here?" they ask and Kylie looks up in surprise.

"Um I'm here, what's going on?" she says walking to the door.

"We just need some information from you, we just have to bring you to the station" they say and I start to panic.

"Wait is her dad there? she isn't going without me" I say.

"I'm sorry but she has to go alone" the officer says leading Kylie out the door.

As she walks out of the house and gets into the car I start to tell her name. She looks back and mouths that it's okay to me but I have a feeling that it's not.

The officer gets into the front if the car and I hear a faint scream coming from the back of the car. I run closer to the car as it's starts to drive away and I see a second person through the Timorese windows.

Only a faint outline of the male gives me chills because I know exactly who it is.

It's the same car Kylie's dad got into when we left the airport.


Hey guys so another chapter done and I hope you all enjoyed:) I won't be updating for about a week because I am going away for the spring break so I will see you all in a week!

Byee <3

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