Chapter 44

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Cameron's POV

The door swings open to Ashley's house as I step in side. the door stirs behind me and I throw the keys on the counter.

"Ashley you home?" I hear a voice and I freeze.

I totally forgot that she was here. At first I think of leaving but then I realize that this is my last chance.

"It's me" I say back as I hear her come down the stairs.

"Cameron? why are you here?" she asks me awkwardly.

"I'm here to pick up Ashley's purse"

"Oh, it's on the counter" she says and leads me into the kitchen.

I see the purse on the counter as soon as I walk into the kitchen. I walk over and grab it as she sits down and checks her phone.

"Thanks" I say and start to walk away.

"Wait" I hear her say and I turn around.

"Ya" I say slightly quieter.

She stands there for a second, like she wanted I say something important. instead she just shakes her head slightly.

"I will walk you to the door" she says walking past me.

I walk behind her until I see something fall out of Ashley's purse. I bend down and pick it up realizing it was just a pack of tic-tacs. I walk around the corner and to my surprise I bump tight into Kylie.

"Oh Sorry" I say as I look down at her.

We were standing extremely close seeing as we went even talking, but I liked it. I look down at her and see she was already staring down at me. I look at her lips and she looks at mine and I know what's going to happen next.

"It's okay"

she whispers before out lips meet and I fall in love all over again.


Truly Madly Deeply (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now