Chapter 55

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Cameron's POV

My heart started racing as fast as a car on a high way as I see Kylie's face drop in fear. I run as fast as I could through the airport towards her, passing her dad.

I take her in my arms and turn around, so that she is behind me. as I look back at her she is crying in fear.

"You have three seconds to move" her father says to me.

"You come close to her and I swear," I say but he interrupts me half way through.

"I'm her father, you just some kid she met who won't give a damn about her in a year." He says in my face, and I just about loose it.

"Don't even go there with me" I try to stay as calm as I could.

"Oh ya buddy, what did you do to get into her pants huh?" and I totally loose it.

I punch him as hard as I have ever punched anyone in my life. He falls to the ground in pain and his nose gushing blood.

"Oh that's it" he says and gets back up, punching me just as hard back.

"Cameron!!" I hear Kylie scream as I fall to the floor.

"That all you got pretty boy?" he says as I get back up.

Right as I was about to hit him even harder security comes rushing over and yanks me off of him.

"What's going on here?" the guard asks us.

"M-my dad, j-just get him away from us!" Kylie says while sobbing on the floor.

"You two are coming with me" he says and my and Kylie go with him as Kylie's dad go's with the other guard.

We follow him to an empty room with just two chairs where me and Kylie sit.

"Now you two have some explaining to do" the officer tells us.

"My dad, he was threatening us, well me. He said he would," and right there she stops, she couldn't tell him what happened a year ago.

"Well what did he say"

I look at her and she looks back at me with so much worry in her eyes.

"He said he would kill her," I blurt out.

"I just wanted to protect her"

The officer looks at both of us. he could obviously see that we were young, and scared.

"Okay, you can go" he says motioning us out.

"Thank you" Kylie says giving him a weak smile.

As we walk out and turn the corner were no one could see us I hug Kylie as tight as I could, both of us crying.

"Never do that agin" she says crying into my shoulder.

"You could have been killed" I say.

"So could you"

"If it meant protecting you, I would sacrifice anything" I say pushing her hair off her face.

She looks up at me with her big brown eyes, and they lock with mine.

"I love you Cameron" she whispers.

"I love you too Kylie"


Hey guys so and emotional chapter ik ik I'm sorry lool but I tried my hardest not to end with a cliff hanger so this was the best I could do :P


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