5. Promises

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[So I need to say something. I'm really, really sorry about last chapter. It was never my intention to hurt anyone. So I'm truly sorry about that. I just really hope this makes up for it!.]

"Oh my god!" She gasped, deciding whether she should just wait until one of them spoke up, or turn around and continue with what she was doing, pretending nothing had happened. She eventually chose for the latter. "I'm so sorry." She mumbled under her breath while unpacking the food.

"Turn around, Swan," Killian told her. She looked down to the counter, blinking rapidly as she felt the tears prick behind her eyes. Yes, she was close to crying, but what else did you expect? She just saw the love of her life kissing her best friend.

When she secured herself, she could hold back the tears, she turned around. "I'm sorry, I-"

"It's fine, Emma," He assured her, both staring at each other in shock. He never called her Emma and none of them knew where it came from. All she knew was that she loved the way he pronounced it. "Could you just please give us a minute?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah! Of course!" She grabbed her phones and plugged her earphones in. "I'll just go listen to some music." She explained nervously before rushing over to her bed while turning the volume all the way up.

He glanced at Emma quickly once she was settled on her bed before turning to Belle. "Belle, I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened. I crossed a line, I'm sorry." He rambled.

"I have a boyfriend." She blurted out, interrupting him. He looked at her in pure shock.

"W-what?" He stuttered in disbelief. "W-why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I never found the right moment and didn't think it was important."

"Geez, Belle," He stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "I kissed you! Whoever he is, he's going to kill me!" Emma couldn't help but stare at them when he made a sudden movement as she silently prayed they weren't becoming a thing.

She sighed, chuckling a bit to herself. "Killian, not everyone is as overprotective as you. And besides, he doesn't necessarily need to know, because it didn't mean anything, right?" She carefully added the last part.

"No, of course not!" He said, maybe a bit too fast. "I'm still in love with Emma, and I don't think there will ever be another one like her, she's the love of my life."

"Then maybe you should tell her that." Belle suggested, standing up as well. "You said you need her to be able to talk to you, but it works the other way around too. She needs you to trust and talk to her just as much as you need her to. And right now, you are not doing a great job."

"Aye, but I need some time to forgive her. She hurt me in a way I didn't think was possible."

"Then tell her that, she will wait for you, I promise." He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you, I'll miss you." He said once they parted. "Goodbye, Belle."

"Goodbye, Killian." She waved at Emma who kindly smiled back, even though she was furious at her. She kissed Killian, without her permission.

After Belle left and Killian had shut the door, Emma finally dared to take out her earphones and turn the volume down. She wanted to talk to him so badly, ask him if he and Belle were a thing. She desperately needed an assurance from him that they were worth this pain, that there was still hope for them. Despite all of that, Killian wasn't in the mood to talk to her. He made that damn clear a couple of times. So, she decided to give up on trying.

"Swan?" He grabbed her arm, making sure he was gentle because he knew he could be too strong if he wasn't careful. He didn't really know his strength and had serious troubles with containing his anger. "Can we talk?"

"Of course," She nodded, offering him meaningful smile because he was simply a significant person to her. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked once they took place on the sofa. He looked down to his trembling hands, what he was about to tell her would change their lives forever, no wonder he was nervous.

"Hey," She covered his hands with hers. If you can call it covering, his hands were huge compared to hers. But it was one of the things they loved about the other. "It's okay, you can tell me anything. I will support you whatever it is. If you tell me you don't love me, I will let you go."

"I lied," He blurted out, the anxiety in her eyes for the fact that he might reject her for real this time giving him the opportunity to go past his walls. "I do want you, I'll always want you. I just n-need some time." He studied her eyes as a gush of relief rushed over her. This was everything she had hoped for since the day she walked back into his life.

"Hey," She brought her hand to his cheek. Her palm brushed against his scruff, a feeling that was all too familiar to her, but a feeling she still loved. "You're not the only one who's willing to wait a thousand years."

She reached out for the ring around her neck that Killian had given to her the day her mother died. She took it off and held it up in front of his ocean eyes. "Woah, woah." He tried to stop what he feared she was about to do.

"Calm down, Killian," She chuckled. "I'm not proposing." She swore she saw a hint of disappointment on his face, but she shrugged it off. "I want to make a promise to you, just like you did to me. I promise to wait for you and I promise to win your heart back. So, when I win your heart, Killian. And I will it, it won't be because of any trickery, it will be because you want me." As soon as she finished she crashed her lips onto his. He was surprised by her actions and stumbled back because of the amount of force she used. Not that he cared. He quickly regained his balance and kissed her back. They both instantly melted into the kiss as the hotness grew between their lips.

She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, seeking for access which he gladly granted her. She felt the butterflies explode in her stomach once again as he moved his hand down her back and stopped just above her ass. She felt her knees weaken, he intended to have that effect on her. He quickly noticed and wrapped both arms tightly around her mid-section, almost squeezing the life out of her as she clung onto him. But both were too stubborn to let this moment be over too quickly, to let go of each other.

They eventually parted at the inevitable need for air. "What was that for?" Killian asked, attempting to catch his breath but failing miserably.

She giggled, licking her lips. "You can see it as a seal on the promise I just made."

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