44. Epilogue II: Can I ask you something?

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[Okay, just FYI: when Emma and Killian broke up they DIDN'T part while still being angry at each other, okay? They both thought it was for the best and agreed to break up!! And no time to check for mistakes because I need to sleep😂😂 so, I'll do that tomorrow!!]


She zipped up her jacket even more, seeking more warmth as she walked along the sidewalk, lost in her own thoughts. She smiled when she heard a soft giggle, the sound of her tiny daughter happily playing with their dog.

"Don't wander off too far, Dany!" She yelled, concerned for her child, but she knew she needn't to worry, that Dragon would look after her and guard her with her life.

She shivered, she had always preferred the summer, but Dany seemed to adore the winter, taking after her father. Emma loved to watch her play in the snow, running around and laughing until she and Dragon were both too exhausted to walk back to the house and Emma had to carry them back into their home.

"I won't, mummy!" She promised before running off, chasing her playmate. She had always been a cheerful kid, always excited for everything. She was kind of an outsider at school and not great at making friends, but Dragon seemed to be enough to satisfy her.

She was already a stunning lass. She had very long blonde hair and braiding it was one of Emma's favorite activities. Everyone always told her Dany was adorable with her bright smile and beautiful blue-green eyes, Emma couldn't help but agree, although she never failed to notice the hint of naughtiness in her smile every now and then.

She finally managed to tear her eyes away from her daughter and looked around the small town she had once called home. Barely anything had changed; Mr. Gold's car still had the same dent, Granny's still made her beloved grilled cheese and the hospital still only possessed one ambulance. She had been eager to return, but things like work and her daughter always got in the way. Now that she had finally returned it felt odd to walk through the streets and inhale the cold air, as if she didn't belong there anymore. Perhaps she didn't, perhaps she did, it didn't really matter anyway, being back brought a smile to her face, which was more important than her twisting stomach.

It all started when she heard Dragon barking loudly. She whipped around in record time, her heart pounding in her chest, making her dizzy as she feared something had happened to her little girl. But, after almost seven years, she should've recognized Dragon's different barks, she should've known she was beaming with excitement instead of fear.

She saw a vaguely familiar dog approach Dragon. Initially she thought the animal seemed familiar because they resembled each other very closely, the other one was only a bit lighter. And she would've continued to go through life thinking that way if she hadn't heard its owner shout something from across the street.

"Ghost, come back!" He yelled as he crossed the street. He clearly hadn't noticed her presence yet, but she had and she felt like everything had momentarily stopped moving. He was the only thing she could see, the only thing her eyes could focus on right now. He hadn't changed one bit. His face still looked incredibly soft, his eyes were still insanely blue and his voice still contained that attractive hint of an Irish accent.

He paused to look at the interaction Ghost, Dragon and Dany were having. He recognized her dog, she remembered that look he currently had in his eyes, but she couldn't help but wonder if he might recognize her in Dany, especially when his eyes widened when his gaze reached hers. She knew it was wrong, that she shouldn't be feeling this way, but she loved seeing him again, especially with her child.

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