18. Respect Existence

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[And again, I'm not home and I won't be until Sunday. So, I wasn't able to check for mistakes properly. Sorry. Anyway, a huge thank you to everyone who commented something sweet on my last chapter. The comments really made me feel better x]

It was like they were doing the
cha-cha. Every time he took one step forward, she would take one step back. Eventually, the obvious happened, and her back collided with a wall. She glanced at the staircase, which began on her right, as the thought of dashing up them and locking herself in the bathroom crossed her mind. She shrugged, deleting that plan from her mind. She couldn't allow herself to be afraid, to run. She just couldn't. It was a sign of weakness she didn't wish to possess.

She tried to slip out of his aura unseen, but he detected her movements and grabbed her wrist, pinning her whole body against the wall with his hips. "Don't worry, lass." He assured her, scanning her face features with his eyes as he trailed his fingertips along her neck. "I promise you you're death will be quick and mostly painless."

"You do know that killing me-" She stopped talking when his thumb reached her throat, swallowing roughly as he grinned before adding some extra pressure on her middle with his hips until her bottom lip began to tremble. She wasn't a person that feared a lot, but she was terrified of the man in front of her. "You do know that killing me won't win Killian's trust, right?"

"I don't think so, Emma." She could feel her heartbeat pounding against her temple, sending a throbbing pain through the rest of her skull. "You see, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Killian never loved you. He's just pretending." She closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to look at him any longer and listen to him saying all those toxic words. "No one will ever love you, and that's why you'll always be an orphan." She tried so hard to shut his convincing words out, to refuse to believe him, but the efforts that were required for that task were something she didn't possess in this moment.

"Just get on with it." She was practically begging him to kill her at this point. "Just kill me." He was surprised by her actions, staring at her with a slight shock, but she was too scared to notice. Right now she wasn't scared to die, in fact, it was her preference to die if her life was to continue like this. No, dying had never been something she feared. But right now she was scared for Killian's reaction, the only thing on her mind was if the strength Killian had left was enough to survive the loss of her again.

"Death is not something you fear?"

"No," She felt a huge bruise form on her right hip and part of her stomach. The process was indescribably painful. Mentally and physically. But over the years she had to endure pain so many times that she had learned to remove it from her face expression before anyone could see it and burry the pain, which would turn into open wounds at first and later into battle scars, deep inside the shards of her broken soul. "I've lived a miserable life for sixteen years and when I finally had a sparkle of happiness in my life, you came along an ruined it completely. Thanks for that by the way."

"You little bitch." He slapped her across the face, knocking her to the ground. And of course she had to fall on her right hip. She let her eyelids conceal her eyes for a fraction of a second as she whimpered quietly, praying this was just one of her darkest nightmares, but her prays seemed to be in vain when she opened her eyes and saw Albert escape her house through an open window.

She had only just smeared some
pain-relieving cream on her already dark bruise and managed to sit on the sofa in a position that didn't deliver her an enormous amount of pain when Killian came barging through the door.

"Hello, my stunning love." He greeted her with a simple peck on her lips, which would soon turn into something much more complex, even though that was never his intention. "You okay?" He asked as he set the plastic bag filled with groceries on the counter and started to unpack it.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, her voice late and absent in a way that made Killian worry instantly. He raised his eyebrow and immediately stopped what he was doing when his eyes landed on her still trembling hands, which were about to cover her pale face and conceal the barely suppressed tears.

"No you're not." He walked over to her as he got more and more concerned with every step he took. He knelt in front of her and removed her hands from her face, interlacing their fingers together as he looked up to her through his eyelashes. She refused to let their eyes connect at first and avoided them as much as possible, but eventually moved her gaze to his when he squeezed her hand assuringly. He always knew exactly what to do or say to make her feel safe. And it wasn't that she didn't want to tell him, she really wanted to. She just hoped to spare him the disappointment, which she knew he would receive, by remaining silent. Not knowing your dad for your whole life and then finding out he's the most selfish and corrupt arse in the world is quite a lot to sustain.

"You can tell me anything." He didn't mean to pry in what could be something private, but he was her boyfriend and perhaps in the future her husband. At least, that was something he hoped would happen. His face expression was so sincere and loving she immediately thought she should consider herself lucky that she wasn't made of sugar.

"I already told you: I'm fine." She snapped. It was never her intention to hurt him by being harsh, but it was just a habit she had done her whole life; pushing away people instead of talking to them, and that is certainly a habit that is difficult to break.

"Emma, I know when something is bothering you." She could clearly see him attempting to swallow the lump in his throat away, a lump that she had created by being distant and giving him the impression that he had done something wrong, which he obviously hadn't. "Just talk to me, please. Perhaps I can help."

"I don't want to talk about, so stop pushing!" She shouted while she jumped up, freeing herself from his grip. They both knew why he was pushing her so much. The last time he had detected something was off with her, but decided to leave her be, she left him and made him think he was dead. And he was determined to prevent the past from repeating itself.

"You and I both know why I am." He said quietly, now standing behind her. Her back was facing him and she was hugging herself tightly as he slowly approached her. She deflected her head when he came to close in her personal space, not that she truly cared, she just hoped he would eventually go away.

Initially, he was inclined to leave her alone and turn around, but he decided against it swiftly. He was not going to make the mistake of giving up again, despite the way she was acting. The sight of her shoulders shaking unsteadily with every sob that escaped her throat was eventually the last straw that broke the camel's back and he rushed over to her, gathering her into his arms.

He planted a kiss on the top of her head as a new plan developed in his head. He figured it would be the wisest if he would just take it one step at a time. Of course, she needed to tell him as soon as possible, but still on her own time. He just needed to remind her that she could always talk to him, and he planned to use the hug for that gesture.

Her sobs grew louder with every passing moment as her head was safely tucked into his chest. She knew he would always protect her, well, he would try. But the real question is: How long can he protect her from the monster that not only haunted her dreams?

While he was rubbing random patterns on the small of her back, he began to think of every possible situation that could've made her so upset. And that's when a memory flashed in front of his closed eyes. The day after her birthday she was sobbing on her bed with a strange look on her face. Back then he thought it was because of what had happened to her mother, but now he knew better. It was because of the terrible things his father had done to her, and right now, she had the exact same face expression as two and a half years ago.

[Can you please tell me what you think of this chapter? I'm really struggling with my writing at the moment.]

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