9. Talking Without Success

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Emma squeezed her eyes until she saw nothing but darkness. She was positive Killian would never grant her his forgiveness, not after she withheld the truth from him. But at least he was alive. Although she wasn't sure she could handle seeing him mad at her. She hated it when he was. All she wanted to do then was curl up in a ball and cry into her pillow until it was covered with mascara stains while she felt like a failure.

"No!" He kept denying it while shaking his head. His brain was blocking and refusing him to believe it was the truth. "You can't be. You're a monster. You raped my love!" He yelled, sitting up while he clutched his chest.

"Killian, you have to calm down-" Albert tried sincerely and Emma saw something Killian couldn't because the anger blocked his ability to read people. He was a changed man, something neither of them had expected ever to happen. But life is full of surprises, unpredictable events that can make your life beautiful, amazing, but it can also make it full of darkness and loneliness.

"So now you care about me?!" He angrily let out a frustrated chuckle.

"I always cared about you! I always wanted the best for you!" He defended himself while Killian scoffed. Emma's mind refused to believe her superpower was telling the truth. It was telling her he was being honest. "Emma, could you please step outside for a minute?"

"Yeah, of course." She planted a light kiss on Killian's cheek. "See you later, baby." She whispered against his ear so the message wouldn't be received by someone else.

She stood up and walked over to the door. She pushed it open and stepped outside, peeking through the blinds quickly before she went to pay David a visit in the waiting room and maybe explain the situation globally. Because she herself wasn't even sure what exactly was going to happen.

"Do you think I will ever believe you care for me?! After what you did?!" He immediately attacked Albert again, not caring if the whole hospital could hear him. He needed to know the consequences of the sins he had committed.

"Believe it or not, but I do." His chest raised and fell rapidly, but his voice was calm and controlled. "Who do you think send Elizabeth? Or Milah? Why do you think I raped that girlfriend of yours?!"

"Why?" He couldn't believe all of this. His own father, the man he shared blood with was the main cause of all the pain in his life.

"Don't you know, Killian? I'm doing it for you. I'm trying to protect you from all the evil in this world...like Emma."

"Well, guess what?! Mission failed, mate." He emphasized on the 'mate' while raising his eyebrows to increase the scary effect he hoped to have on Albert. "Emma is probably the best thing that happened to me. She helped me through the dark days after mom died! She helped me forgive myself about Liam! She was the light in my life, with her sparkling green eyes she could light up my whole day by just glancing at me! But you took that away from me! You took away the light in my life and replaced it with darkness! Because of you I am afraid to continue with her! It's all because of you! So, don't you dare tell me you give even the slightest fuck about me!" His face was only inches apart from him. Their familiar eyes gazed into the other. The same blood rushed through their veins. And as much as he hated it, they were related.

"I'm so sorry, Killian." He chocked and to his big surprise, he was crying. Albert was crying, the man who didn't seem to care about any dead or alive organism was allowing salty tears to run down his face.

He sighed as he rubbed his temples while walking back to the bed. Standing really hurt, he really shouldn't be doing that. "Just start with telling your story. From the beginning."

He took place at the chair Emma had sat in previously. Killian almost pushed him off, but managed to restrain himself. "When I was, younger I was, what people consider now as a fuckboy. I got your mother pregnant when she was eighteen and we were forced to marry. After that I got your aunt Elizabeth pregnant. I know, I'm a terrible man and I'm not proud of it. But unfortunately, there's more. When you were only one year old I got another woman pregnant. She is the mother of Graham and Neal. I fell in love with her, but because I was married to your mother I was powerless. She wanted to keep the children, even if that meant her family hated her. She ran to Storybrooke, where she gave birth to them. I tried to stay as far away from her as possible, but I was so in love with her and the connection we had was undeniable. So, I abandoned you, Liam and your mother. I went to live with her and my children. You know the rest..."

"I can't believe you." He scoffed while clenching his fists.

"Me neither. I'm truly ashamed of my actions and I wish I could turn back time and do it all different. But I can't, so we'll just have to live with it."

"We have to live with it?!" He yelled as pure disbelief filled his eyes. "Who said I even want you in my life?! Get out!" He yelled, pointing to the door.

He opened his mouth, to apologize one last time, but Killian shot him a death glare and he left. His hand hung low while his hands were buried deep into his front pockets as he walked through the halls of the hospital.

Moments later there was a small knock on the door. He wasn't sure if it was the familiar sound of her knuckles colliding with the wooden material, or just the fact that her body presence was so close to his. But he knew it was Emma.

"Come in, Swan." He answered and the door pushed open. Her innocent body slipped inside as the cheeky smile she possessed was plastered across her face.

"How did you know it was me?" She asked, claiming the chair as hers while she interlaced his fingers with hers and greeted him with a passionate kiss on his luscious lips. She placed her elbow in the bed and rested her chin in her hand.

"This is probably going to sound super psychedelic, but I felt it." He chuckled as he played with her blonde curls between his fingertips.

She giggled as she pressed her lips to his once more, cupping both sides of his face. He helped her climb onto the bed and she laid down next to him.

"I don't know if I can do this." His voice cracked as he positioned himself on her chest.

"Shh," She whispered, holding his head tightly between her arms as he snuggled closer into her embrace. "Just rest, you can worry about the bastard in the morning." He knew he needed to confront her about the secret she chose not to tell him about, but right now all he needed was just a happy moment with her.

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