16. The Flying Monkey

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[Please believe me when I say that I'm truly sorry I left everyone waiting again. Trust me, I'm trying, I swear. I'm just in a crappy situation right now, it's hard to explain because I don't even know what's happening. Hope you enjoy!]

With certain efforts and discipline, he managed to part his lips from Emma's. "What was that?" He swallowed the remnants of their kiss as his gaze moved to the direction of the rustling.

"Probably nothing." She said hasty before her lips dove back onto his again. Her body weight pressing onto his caused them to fall to the concrete floor that formed the small porch. He laughed along with her giggles as he held her hips above his lap.

He facilely flipped them over so he was now taking control and could easily pull away to speak. "Shouldn't you go see that flying monkey?" He asked, smirking at his invented nickname as he pinned one of her hands next to her head in a way that was just acceptable for her fear. "As much as I hate the guy already, he deserves an explanation."

"A Flying monkey?" She asked with a frolic smile plastered across her face.

"Really?" He blurted out a small laugh as he pierced into her mossy green eyes, focusing on every minor detail he could see in a glance. "That's all you noticed from what I just told you?"

She nodded. "But, I'd like to know," She fidgeted with the lapel of his leather jacket as her eyes wandered there too. "What exactly does a flying monkey look like?"

"Well," He helped her sit up straight again, but kept her in his lap with her tucked into his sure embrace. Killian believed this was a more convenient way of having a conversation, although he knew they might end up there again in a few minutes. "It's a monkey with wings." The image of Walsh with wings made both laugh. "Simple, right?"

"Yeah, great explanation." She said, a high amount of sarcasm in her voice, not so carefully hidden. "Now I never have to use my imagination again."

"Stop being so sarcastic and kiss me." He grinned, wriggling her eyebrows in a way that made declining his never proroguing love hardly a possibility.

"With pleasure." His mischievous smirk was ended when her lips reached his and trapped underneath hers. The feeling of safety that hurtled through her veins made her realize how much she had missed him. She had let him down countless time, and yet here he was, kissing her passionately as he held her close to his muscular torso.

"He's not my boyfriend, though." She wasn't completely done with kissing him as the realization that she was back in his arms just started kicking in, but she owed him a favor. She needed to repay her debt.

"Oh, uhm," He glanced down to where his hand was resting on her him, nervously struggling to find the appropriate words as he felt his cheeks burn up. "I just assumed that he," He stopped speaking, shaking his head in the slightest way possible as he continued his search for words. "Sorry, you know how I get when you're around other guys, and..." His rambling turned into indistinct speaking until he was completely silent.

"Why are you apologizing?" She asked, scanning his reddened face as she brought her hand to cup his cheek. He shrugged, avoiding her eyes, but she forced them back to hers before they entirely lost contact. "Well, there's no need to apologize. You know how much I love it when you get jealous, plus that cute blush that creeps up on your cheeks. It's adorable."

"Well, no one has ever called me that before." He chuckled, raising his ridiculously perfect eyebrow as his fingers went to trace round patterns on the small of her back. "But you know I prefer devilishly handsome." He smirked. He went to lean in again, but she stopped him swiftly by placing her hands against his chest, adding a little bit of pressure to keep him away.

"We should talk to Walsh before we do any of this." She suggested, although she didn't leave much of an opportunity for Killian to decide whether he agreed or not. He curled his lips, pouting, as he blinked rapidly. "We should at least go inside." She giggled before escaping his grasp and standing up, pulling him with her. But before she could turn and walk back inside, he caught her lips for another kiss. She managed to keep it slow before parting from him once more.

She entered the house, her fingers twined with his as he followed closely. Walsh was sitting on the sofa, which stood against the right wall of the spacey living room.  A stranger accompanied him, at least that's how Killian's eyes defined him. He had a little scruff, wore a black leather jacket, and had dark hair, with occasionally a curl hidden between his black locks. He was basically a second Killian, but obviously less attractive.

"Swan," Killian tugged at her arm softly. She turned around to meet his eyes in response. "Who is that other guy?" He growled, glaring at him from the corner of his eye, but the stranger didn't seem to notice.

"No one to be worried about, babe." She laughed, squeezing his hand as an encouragement to continue, although she knew he preferred doing something different and that he would hate the conversation that was ahead of him.

"Who's he?" The sudden voice startled them. They looked away from each other's eyes and found both men had stopped talking and were attentively looking at the couple.

"Killian that is August. August this is Killian, and you've already met Walsh." She explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, a perfect example of what we address to as a substitute activity. "He's my devilishly handsome friend," She paused, debating whether she should tell them and have a lengthy conversation about it, or just send them home and spend some alone-time with Killian. "Who kisses me occasionally." She had already blurted the addition to her previous sentence out before her brain had fully granted her access to.

August coughed, nearly spilling the soda he was drinking all over his lap, but managed to restrain himself. Killian raised his eyebrow, not sure whether he sound he offended or proud that he had managed to impress them with his appearance. But before he could decide, the two men were already standing and halfway out the door.

"I guess we'll leave you two be then." August said awkwardly, dragging Walsh with him, despite his protest. He clearly leaving the impression that he preferred to stay. Killian and Emma were smart and mature enough to figure that he was jealous; he had been flirting with Emma ever since he met her, but she always kept her distance...for Killian.

"Bye!" She called after them - she was still a bit astonished by everything that had happened today, and everything was still sinking in - but the door was already closed, so the chances that they heard her were slim.

She guided Killian towards the sofa, plopping down at the same time he did, sighing loudly, with an overdramatic trace. She rested her head on his shoulder as he pulled her legs to drape across his lap, so she was as close as possible. Her fingers walked random patterns on her thigh as she smiled at his actions, glad her favorite entertainment was back, but even more glad he in general was back.

"Can I say something strange?" He asked, although he didn't expect an answer from her, and his expectations became reality when she didn't. She looked at him expectantly, going through every possible thing he could say inside her head, but she had never guessed this.

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