37. It's Time

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[I'll check for mistakes later because it's late and my head is Killian me. Sorry!]

*36 Weeks Later*

The wind whistled over our property, slipping through my hair as it caused me to shiver, which would later dissolve into goosebumps all over my skin. I wrapped the blanket I had brought with me when I walked inside around my body as I buried my nose into my hoodie, but the cold would quit lingering in my veins.

It wasn't until I felt his hot embrace burning against my practically frozen skin that I realized how grisly the cold was. I pressed my back against his front, seeking for every possible way to expel the unpleasant feeling, and later on I would realize my attempt had been successful.

I had been sitting on our picnic table - which was established in our backyard with a nice view over the meadow and the horses if they were outside - before he had decided to keep me company. Initially, my instincts had been turned on by his actions and I was slightly startled, but I had grown so used to the touch of his arms that it took me less than a fraction of a second to relax against his chest.

His arms encircled my shoulders in a tight hug, his nose lightly entombed in my hair as he rocked us back and forth, causing diverse giggles to unintentionally escape my mouth, but I knew him well enough to know he couldn't care less.

We quickly fell into a comfortable silence. I had my eyes fixed on the horses that were chasing each other through the semi-large meadow for some uncertain reason and I couldn't banish them from the view, despite the other sounds that echoed through my ears and could be seen as a distraction.

"Do you miss it?" He asked, his words sensed as a light tickle against my skin, heating my neck in such a way that my body was aching for him before my brain had digested anything. He just intended to have that effect on me, and after all those years it still managed to surprise me.

"Hmm," I hummed quietly, not having enough energy to talk. As I was slowly approaching my due date I was becoming more exhausted with every passing day to a certain point where I had absolutely no motivation left to do something productive.

"Don't worry, Swan, you'll be back up there before you know yet." I knew his encouraging words were there to soothe me, but I figured an addition of exhaustion, frustration and discomfort was what let me to snap at him.

"At least you don't have to push a human out of your uterus." I groaned and I pulled my legs up so I could sit in a cross-legged position before I placed one elbow on the corresponding knee as I rested my chin in the same hand, discretely wriggling out of his grasp.

Implied by his chuckle I knew he believed I was adorable funny as he liked to define it when I acted like this. Admittedly, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, but I managed to hide it in the blanket that was still draped across my shoulders.

"Why don't you come here." I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still had to resist the urge to answer it, knowing it would only worsen the situation by the amount of sarcasm it would contain.

He hooked his arm under my legs as the other stabilized my back while he lifted me up and placed me on his lap, my legs dangling off the edge of the wooden table. "And tell me what's going on in that head of yours."

"I just feel like I'll never be really happy. Whenever things are great between us I can't do one of the things I love most and the other way around." I knew I sounded like a little kid who hadn't gotten any ice cream and wouldn't stop sulking about it, but I childishly blamed the pregnancy hormones for my behavior, which was undoubtedly a lie.

He didn't say anything. Initially, I figured he just wasn't sure what to reply to my silly complaint, but the tight grip on my hip made me doubt myself.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. You did nothing wrong, Killian. Hell, you're bloody perfect-" Before I could continue with my apology he had already pressed his lips against mine.

"And you're bloody adorable." He grinned against my lips, his hand rubbing smoothly over my belly. "And no one's really happy, anyway. It's not human."

I pulled away so I had access to his stunning eyes. "I know when you're quoting something."

"And I love that you never go what it is." He smirked at me, toying with the hem of the blanket I had used to warm me until he came along and I could use him as a personal heater.

"I know who he is." I said, trying to act offended by his comment and for some odd reason my voice became so high-pitched I sounded like one of those cliché fairytale witches, but of course Killian would deny that and call me beautiful.

"Is that so, Swan?" He cocked an eyebrow and neither of us could swipe that dopey grin off of our faces and extinguish the butterflies in the valley of our stomachs. And these were the moments that I would cherish forever be grateful to have remained in the honeymoon phase for years.

"Yupp, he's the lead singer of Green Day and I must say; he's very attractive." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and gave him the cold shoulder, but my eyes watching him every move out of the corner of my eye.

"Shhhh." He laughed, grabbing my shoulders before descending his lips on mine.

I had completely lost track of time and somehow we had ended up on top of the picnic table. I was lying on the wood as he was hovering over me, the blanket long forgotten on the floor.

He had left a trail of sloppy kisses all the way from my left shoulder to my right jaw, occasionally sucking on my skin in order to leave a dark, purple mark on me. It was torture knowing we couldn't go any further than this.

His hands were already roaming over my bump, but I abruptly stopped him when he attempted to increase the amount of bare skin so he could explore body more. As much as I desperately needed him to proceed, there was something else that demanded our attention.

A frown appeared between his brows as he started at me. "It's time." Was all I managed to whispered before the first contraction hit my nerves.

[Little shorter than usual, but someone didn't want me to write the birth in this chapter so I respected their wishes. I'm sorry if this was boring tho, I wanted to do a completely fluffy chapter, but I couldn't resist to add a little bit of angst in there cause I'm such a terrible person. Anyway, thanks for all the name suggestions! I have a few favorites picked out, but I can't decide which one I like most hehe🙈😅 See ya next chapter and maybe tell me what you think?😘]

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