6. Friends with Benefits

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The next morning both woke up with a warm feeling in the valley of their heart. Both weren't sure what they were exactly, but also glad they set things right between them. None of them could shake off the feeling of the other on their lips, and occasionally they would brush their fingertips along them. Sometimes the other would notice and chuckle to themselves, other times it would occur secretly.

When she exited the bathroom, and glanced over to the bed to find him no longer in his previous position. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked around the room, jumping when she found him right behind her.

"Geez, Killian," She exhaled deeply, holding her chest. "I almost had a heart attack." He chuckled.

"Apologies, Love," He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb along her silky skin. "It was never my intention to scare you."

"It's fine." She assured him, leaning into the touch of his soft hand. He smiled at her before turning around and waking away. She now noticed that his shirt was missing. "Oh, I'm so glad I came back." She sighed, staring at him in a lustful way. She loved that he never noticed the lack of his shirt when he walked around the house.

"Are you alright there, Swan?" He asked. "You're doing that crinkly thing with your eyebrows again." He said, pointing to her eyebrows.

"Yeah," She replied, still half in her trance. She only fully snapped out of it when he pulled his shirt on and placed his hand on her hip, lifting up her chin.

"You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled, pecking his cheek as a piece of evidence she was fine before walking away. She grabbed her laptop and sat down on the sofa, dropping her legs on the coffee table and setting the device on her lap.

She could hear Killian walk around their room constantly. She figured he was bored or something, but right now it was distracting her from her work. She was already behind because she felt terrible about her situation with Killian and couldn't seem to find enough motivation. Now that they were on better terms, he was distracting her again. You could say he was impossible, but she loved him for it.

She heard his footsteps approaching her. He plopped down next to her with a loud, dramatic sigh. "Hey," He whispered into her ear. She bit her lip, trying to hide her wide smile.

"Hey." She replied, narrowing her eyes as she tried her best to remain focused on her work. But she found it awfully hard with him sitting so close. "Killian?" She asked when he laid his chin on her shoulder. He hummed in response. "What are you doing?"

"Annoying you," He slowly moved her hands to her sides, ready to tickle her. "Is it working?"

"Mhmm, I must admit, you're a good distraction." She tried to act as casual as possible as she tried to hide the effect that his hands on her body had.

"Mm, I try." He took her laptop away from her lap and placed in on the table. He flipped them over so he was hovering over her. Their eyes examined the other before he captured her lips with his. She made a small sound that sounded like a moan before she kissed him back. He grabbed the opportunity to slip his tongue inside her mouth and dominate her mouth.

She slightly pushed his chest until his lips were far away enough from hers so she could speak. "Not that I'm complaining about this. But we need to talk about us." She emphasized on the us.

"Okay then," He pulled her up with him and helped her sit in his lap. "Let's talk."

"Well, I'm confused," She admitted, threading her fingers with his. "First you tell me you want nothing to do with me. Then you kiss Belle. And not even half an hour later you tell me you do want me. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that you do, I mean, you're perfect. Anyway, you tell me you need time, but you still come up here and kiss me."

"Aye, Love. I'm afraid I do own you an explanation." He looked at her sincerely before continuing. "I love you, and nothing can ever change that, but that doesn't mean I can't be mad at you. Now, I'm not saying that I'm still mad at you, but I need some time to forgive you. And until then we can be, uhm, friends with benefits?" He made it sound more like a question than a statement. She chuckled.

"As much as I love the sound of that. I'd rather just stay friends or have a relationship with you. Because I'm not sure I can handle kissing you, but not claiming you as mine."

"Then I think we need to start that god damn relationship because I'm not sure so can handle your beauty without kissing you." He said it so fast Emma could barely understand him, but she figured out what he meant after he crashed his lips onto hers.

"Alright, lover boy," She stopped him when he wanted to kiss her again after they parted. "I have work to do and it's your turn to do the groceries."

"Okay, okay, I'm going." He held his hands up in defense before pecking her lips one more time. "See ya later, Swan."

"Be safe, Killian!" She called after him.

"Always!" He called back, but little did he know that was a lie.

He drove himself safe towards the store, it wasn't busy on the road. But he knew the way back would be more difficult since it was always busier around that time.

He got everything he needed and hopped back into his car. He set the bags down on the passenger's seat before starting the engine. He pulled out of the parking lot and began his drive home. He drove safely all the way, until he crossed the final intersection. He was so busy with his thoughts about Emma, thinking about their future. The thought of marrying her one day warmed his heart, the thought of having a family with her one day brought joy to his body. He was so lost in his own mind that he didn't notice the red light and just drove straight ahead. And before he knew it all he felt was pain, all he saw was darkness. His ears were filled whispers of a nameless fear, darkness consumed his eyes. Shadows laid in the corner of his blood as he slowly lost consciousness.


[I'm really sorry about this, I was really stuck on what to do. Anyway, I hope you kinda enjoyed and I'm sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger again. Tell me what you think? X]

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