30. A Forbidden Love

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[I hope this chapter will answer some questions you may have. Oh and since I don't have a laptop I didn't check for any mistakes, sorry!]

When her back collided with the floor she could feel every curve of its profile, all the little flints that were scattered across the concrete, the pain was distressing. She wasn't sure how long she could endure the aches all over her body for, she even doubted her heart would continue beating for longer than a few moments as images of the only thing on her mind flashed through her brain.

Killian. He was on her mind. His ridiculously perfect posture was carved into her brain, his booming laugh trapped inside her ears and his loving touches would forever remain on her skin.

She really really thought she was going to die in that moment, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to die. She couldn't bear to live in fear anymore.

She tried desperately to fight for her life, but this was a battle she couldn't win. Perhaps a happy life was never something she was meant to have.

All she could do now was feel sorry for Killian. She had dragged him into this mess. She was the one who couldn't keep her walls up. She was the one with his father as a stepdad. Without her he would probably be perfectly happy with a woman worthy of his love.

She had been so convinced she wouldn't open her eyes anymore after she had resisted the urge to close her heavy eyelids until she couldn't. So convinced that she was completely taken off guard when her eyes fluttered open.

If you consider she was in an unknown environment it was logic she was utterly confused when her pupils met the radiant sunlight so suddenly.

It took her quite some time to adapt to the situation, but memories, noises and all that kind of stuff came flooding back to her mind and within a few minutes she knew exactly where she was, what had occurred and who had harmed her.

She desperately wanted to curse whoever invented the human body for deciding it was an outstanding idea to attach all your body parts to your back. She couldn't move a muscle, almost everything was sore. Keyword: almost.

To say she was relived when she realized he hadn't raped her was an understatement. And now she was thanking whatever gods there may be for it and her unconquerable soul.

Her eyes explored the room, scanning every single inch of the room carefully in the hope she found find him. Although she was secretly hoping he was gone because it would be so much easier to avoid him forever, but she knew that was impossible. There was no getting rid of him. She had believed he hadn't been entirely forthright with her when he informed her about that, but he had proven her wrong by returning into their lives after she had excluded that possibility.

Her eyes eventually landed on his figure. The light of the candle danced across his face features, shading his skin perfectly, but that wasn't the creepy bit about the whole situation. The crawly part was that he seemed to enjoy abusing her. Her suffering was his fuel, he profited from her pain, it was what kept him going.

"So now you're going to take care of me?" She questioned once she realized he had moved her body up against the wall and had placed a large pillow between her and the wood, supporting her back, her voice filled with rage.

"Well, I am family, aren't I?" He smirked, his grin expanding with every passing second until it was too wide for his lips to handle. They seemed as if every single curve was going to burst open soon, but he simply licked his lips, lustfully.

"You lost the right to call yourself that a long time ago." She told him, her words appearing gruffly as the fact that there was absolutely zero variation in her voice made her more intimidating than she had ever been.

He remained silent. He did open his mouth for a couple of times though, but she couldn't decide wether it was because he was just trying to breathe or that he intended to say something but quickly chose to swallow his words back in.

"You never told me why you're doing this to me, to Killian." She couldn't seem to figure out the reason for her sudden boldness. It was as if nothing else mattered anymore, all she needed was answers. And she was determined to gain them, one way or another.

"Don't you think you owe it to us, to him?" She continued, despite his dreadful glares. The human body has uncountable nerves and yet he manages to get on every single one of them. She hated it.

"If you believe I care about you enough to provide you with such valuable information then I think there is something wrong with that head of yours." His face had turned completely red, as if it was on the verge of exploding.

She had to admit, he was exceptionally terrifying and she feared he would abuse her again. She knew it was perilous to confront him, but it was worth the venture. Initially she did think he was going to hit her, especially when he stood up, but something must've made him change his mind because he sat back down swiftly. She couldn't put her finger on what made him switch though.

"If you don't want to do it for me, do it for your child then." She told him, rubbing soothing circles on her belly as if she wanted to appeal her baby, even though the lump of cells wasn't capable of feeling such a thing.

"It's because you're a Swan." He blurted out, fully aware of the fact that it made her utterly confused and that it only left her with even more questions. If he was in fact going to reveal his deepest secret he was allowed to have a little fun whilst doing it.

"I don't understand.." Her voice trailed off, her eyes roaming over the room as if she was trying to seek words there. "What does my last name have to do with your motives?"

"Let's just say our families have a history."

"A history? You're not making any sense." She was trying to prevent all of her thoughts from disordering, she was trying not to go crazy with all this unclear stuff, but taken by her internal groans she wasn't exactly succeeding.

"Your parents used to have a huge company and so did my wife and I. We were each other's rivals, but for some odd reason everyone seemed to prefer your family over mine. The amount of debts just kept on growing until I decided it was time for a change. Your parents died in a car crash, love, and I can assure you it wasn't an accident. But little did the police know." He stopped talking, taking a moment to enjoy her suffering.

She couldn't breathe. She had been wondering about her parents' fate her entire life, she had hated them for abandoning her and forgiveness wasn't something she would ever grant them with, but now that she had learned the truth her whole world had been turned upside down.

They hadn't willingly given her and Jen up, they were forced to. And there was only one man she could possibly blame for it and he was standing in front of her, grinning widely at the excruciating pain hidden in her eyes .

"After the tragedy I managed to merge the two companies into one big one. It was successful for awhile, until people grew suspicious and I had to flee the country in order to remain a free man. Years later you came into my life, a Swan. I pushed my hatred towards you aside for a long time, but when you started getting involved with my son I knew I couldn't let that happen. A Jones and a Swan can never ever be together, understood?"

"Well, I'm sorry to break the news to you, but Killian and I have been together for over six years now and this child is the product of our love. So, I'd say you failed."

He leaped forward to hit her, but was interrupted by her handsome hero bursting through the door.

[I feel so evil😈 Sorry for the lack of CS tho, next chapter will be better I promise.]

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