27. Happiness, Frustrations and Unfinished Business

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Perhaps "wrong" wasn't the most appropriate word to help define her situation, unless they wouldn't want it. But they had been together for about six years, and even though both were terrified to admit it, they were ready.

She fell back against the bed, no longer in Killian's embrace, but breathing heavily. She was positive people in the other room could clearly hear her pant as her chest sunk before raising again, just like in a movie, after a character goes through something shocking.

She wasn't even sure why she was scared, this was something she was supposed to be happy about, right?

Killian, on the other hand was thrilled. He couldn't seem to hide his excitement or the huge grin that had crept up on his face after the doctor had enlightened them about the situation.

But, sadly, also this occurrence had a catch: Emma.

It wasn't necessary for him to look at her to know her reaction was entirely different from his. The silence, the tension, his gut, they all allowed him to draw one conclusion: she wasn't happy about it. Obviously, he hoped he was wrong about it, that she, for once, wasn't an open book to him, but he couldn't shake this tendency to expect the worst.

She tried desperately to push past her fears and replace them with joy and excitement and she was so occupied with succeeding she didn't even notice Killian speaking to her until he reached out for her hand.

The brief contact their fingers made was enough to alter her mind from the deep, tormenting trance to reality, to her Killian. She was confused for maybe a few short seconds, instantly knowing Killian was talking to her when she noticed the anticipation in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She asked him, rubbing her left temple to attempt to ease her growing headache before it became a throbbing, nearly unbearable pain.

She patiently waited for an answer as frustration started to build up in the valley of her heart. She wasn't frustrated with him though, just the mischances that life kept throwing at her.

"Emma, I want you to listen to me carefully," He said, taking both her hands in his, but instead of meeting her gaze with his he preferred to remain focused on their hands. Whether he did that because it was easier, or because he was mad at her, she didn't know, but she wasn't half as eager to find out his intentions behind that than to learn what he had told her only moment ago.

"I want you to know that I'm delighted to have this baby with you. Yes, it's scary too, but I know we can and will work it out together. I have faith in us, and I know you do too. But if you decide you don't want this baby, I'll support you, and I don't want you to agree to this pregnancy just because I-"

Emma didn't allow him to continue, her lips slamming onto his within a fraction of a second. She had originally planned to cut into his rambling by kissing him deeply, but now that she had managed to do that the kiss started to become so much more.

They both adored these kisses. The ones where both cleaved to the other like their life depended on it, where they got lost in the other completely, forgetting about company they might have entirely.

"We're having a baby," She whispered, too concerned with him to notice the doctor's absence. "An actual living baby." She knew it would take time for her brain to fully accept and adjust to the idea of having a tiny human inside her, which was a product of their true love.

"Yep," He let a minor chuckle escape his throat, popping the 'p' on purpose, which resulted into a sweet giggle. "I believe that's the right definition."


"Now that you've finally stopped having eyes for no one but the other, we can finally discuss a few things." The doctor came bursting through the door, not caring that she was actually wrong as she ignored Killian and Emma breaking their kiss a bit too noisily.

She read some things aloud that were written across the file she was holding, her words coming out faster than lighting, making it impossible for neither Killian nor Emma to put the words together in a full, correct sentence that made sense.

"Can I go home now?" Emma asked, when she mistakenly assumed she was done, which, judging by her offended and little bit annoyed face expression, she clearly wasn't.

Emma was inclined to hold her hands up in defense, just to mock the doctor a bit, but she somehow managed to resist temptation.

"Yeah," She continued, deciding not to read any of the other information to them because they clearly weren't implying that they were interested in any of it. "I just need to speak to your fiancé in private."

"If you'd follow me." She gestured to the door when Killian didn't move a muscle after she had told them her wishes, fully aware of the fact that she was becoming irritated.

"What's wrong?" Killian asked once they were outside in the quiet hallway, digging his hands into his pockets as he tried to relax, but failed miserably. "Is Emma okay?" He repeated his question, but deforming the question.

"She's fine," She assured him, suddenly showing that she did care about the couple, even though she had failed to indicate that before. "But we found something when we were examining her."

He tried to keep his breaths steady and controlled, but it wasn't really a successful attempt. He couldn't do it without his girl.

"Found what?" He snapped, immediately regretting it, but by then it was already too late, she was already defending herself.

"I need you to calm down first, sir."

"I am calm!" He yelled, not realizing he was shouting until she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Fine, just tell me please?"

"Very well then." She unfolded her arms, placing them on her back as she kept a poker face on all the time. "We found serval scars on her stomach, arms and legs and one on her side." He swallowed roughly, his mind instantly jumping to conclusions as he hoped this wouldn't turn into a discussion. "You don't happen to have anything to do with that, do you?"

He swore he stopped breathing for a second, or maybe more. The truth was: he completely lost track of time. He relived the moment over and over again, trying to determine if he had heard her right, or maybe his ears were fooling him. But he soon managed to think rationally again and he slowly realized it was in fact what she had said, as much as he hoped it wasn't.

And after that he lost control of the situation completely...

"Of course not!" He yelled at her as loud as his lungs and vocal cords allowed him to, not seeming to care if his throat would hurt tomorrow. "She's my fiancé remember?!"

He stepped closer, his nose was barley more than an inch away from her. Somewhere, deep in his heart, he knew this was totally not a smart decision, but the fact that they could even assume he would ever hurt her made his blood boil.

"I would never hurt her!!" He shouted, desperately needing to punch something, but he knew that would only raise more suspicion. He would only appear more aggressive than they apparently already thought he was.

"That's exactly what the perpetrator would say." It was all just an unfortunate situation. Killian was too tired and frustrated to function properly as she had drawn conclusions too quickly.

"I'm terribly sorry sir but you're under arrest everything you say can and will be held against you." A policeman, who, by the way, appeared unexpected handcuffed him before he had even comprehended anything.

"Killi-" Emma said as the door opened, turning her face swiftly with a grin spread on it, happy she and Killian could go home now, with a new family member. Well, kind of.

Unfortunately, her smile faded in record time when her eyes landed on the person who had truly came through the door, the dirty grin plastered on his face instantly startling her.

"Neal?" She whispered.

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