14. Catch Me if You Can

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[Woah, it has been four days, sorry. Exams are coming and teachers are rushing to get everything done in time. I have a question: are there too many time jumps in this book?]

*One Year Later*

The average population may claim a year that feels like many torturing years is glossy, but once they become victim of the excruciating wait themselves they'll think otherwise.

The first intention his heart possessed was inclined to chase her the instant she left, but he reconsidered that decision and decided it would be more sensible and mature to finish his education first.

However, he did stop the original education he was attending to. He switched to one that only lasted for a year so he could win his beloved Swan back as soon as possible.

The thought to just drop out of college and follow the woman he loved had crossed his mind uncountable times, but he always managed to decline the delusive thoughts, partly because he simply loved her and an uneducated boyfriend was inconvenient.

After what his mind sensed as years, but turn out to be only one, he found himself aboard an airplane that would bring him thousands of miles closer to his true love. He had outlined and arranged everything perfectly. He had found a rented house he could inhabit temporarily. He even found a job at a local High School in Maastricht.

A fourteen-hour flight wasn't particularly something he enjoyed, but in the end, it would all hopefully be worth it. Sleeping wasn't something he considered easy and comfortable during a flight, but eventually the exhaustion became too big to bear.

A loud knock on her front door startled her. She was lucky enough to find an affordable house to live in, but the amount of space she suddenly had was something she wasn't quite used to yet.

With certain efforts, she managed to get up from the sofa she had settled herself on moments earlier. She approached the door, which would reveal her unexpected visitor in a matter of seconds. Little did she know that visitor would bring certain complications along with him.

When she cracked the door open, even though it was just a minuscule centimeter, she felt butterflies flutter around in the pit of her stomach, tickling her from the inside. Neither of the two adults had a clue about what was happening. The truth was: the door worked as a barrier, and now that it was taken down their souls could finally physically connect again.

The pricking tears weren't even a complete surprise anymore when it came to his grand gestures. He had fully scanned her body in a fraction of a second, detecting every minor detail that had changed over the year.

He awkwardly stared at her, admiring her stunning appearance as they both waited for the other to break the uncomfortable silence. Per Killian's senses she was being distant, declining his love for her. Until his patience reached its limit.

He dashed towards her in a record time and wrapped his arms around her middle so fast and without a warning it took her some time to adjusts, but she must admit, without-a-warning-hugs are the best. Hesitantly she slid her arms around his shoulders, nowhere near tightly though. She knew she actually shouldn't be doing this, she should tell him about her new situation. She just wasn't ready yet to break his probably already torn apart heart.

Another reason was the fact that it felt so incredibly perfect to be back in his faithful arms again, that he chased her until he could catch her. He was the first and only human being who would ever place her first always and unconditionally.

A hug was barely enough to ease the toxic pain that was constantly present in his heart. He wanted, correction: needed to feel her soft lips pressed to his. He longed for that tingling feeling hers left on his, always making him yearn for more.

"It's okay, Swan. You can hug me. I won't bite." He joked, mumbling the words into her hair in a way that she had missed too much. Despite her efforts to hold back a heavenly giggle, she couldn't contain her laughter.

"As much as I'd like to do that right now." She positioned herself away from him when she heard shuffling inside the house, freezing when she feared he would walk in and jump to the wrong conclusions. "We can't."

"I understand, you're not ready yet." His eyes twinkled sincerely. Emma may prefer him as the sweet puppy dog he tended to be, with a hint of a dorky pirate every now and then, but it didn't this job any more pleasing. "I just want to let you now that I will wait for you, I will always wait for you."

"No, no, no." She rambled, her lips moving so fast she lost track of them as she shook her head and slowly backed away, unintentionally. "It's got nothing to do with that. I, uhm-"

Before her sentence was anywhere near completed, he interrupted her desperate attempt to explain a complicated situation. She squeezed her eyes shut so tight she feared they might pop into her head, bite her lips so furious she feared it was going to bleed sooner than later. But none of those fears could overtop the one she had for Killian's reaction.

"Em, who is that?" An unknown voice to Killian's elf ears filled the atmosphere. She groaned inwardly as she fought the urge to scream and push Killian away as fast as she possibly could.

"I could ask you the same." Killian pointed out smartly when an unfamiliar figure appeared behind the door.

His hair was stringy and long, too long according to Killian. His brown locks were surrounding his head like a coconut and it looked like you could just take it off. He was a slim man and was just wearing average clothes.

"Who is he, Swan?" Killian asked, the anger building up rapidly as jealously tagged along. He tended to be "a bit" overprotective and jealous when it came to the people he loved, especially the woman he loved. It wasn't his fault though. It's simply a natural human instinct and every person he loved abandoned him, he had every right to feel the emotions he was feeling.

"Here goes nothing." She mumbled to herself, but it was understandable enough for the confused men to hear clearly. "Killian this is Walsh. Walsh this is Killian." She explained with disoriented gestures here and there before literal hell broke loose.

[Damn this is shorter than I intended to, but I really wanted to end it here. I'll try to make the next one longer and could you maybe tell me what you think?]

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