39. Alexandra Ava Jones

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[I hate not having my laptop here, so I cannot
check for mistakes properly, I'm sorry. I'll do it once I get home, if I won't forget because... Dory alert here... Hope you enjoy!]


I had sat down on the chair next to Emma's door moments ago, but the exact amount was a mystery to me. I was carefully cradling her, keeping every movement as soft as possible; she seemed so fragile and vulnerable I was terrified I would harm her if I used more than just a feather touch.

I refused to look away, focusing on nothing else but her face features as I wondered which bit she had inherited from Emma and which ones I had passed on to her. It was the only thing that could distract me from Emma, prevent me from worrying about her too much.

Apparently, I wasn't entertained enough by our baby because the moment I heard someone's hand push the door open I snapped my head up as I scrambled to my feet before the person had even excited the room fully.

All of a sudden I felt like I wasn't allowed to be there, as though I was infringing some kind of law, which existence I was unaware of, or perhaps I had forgotten. Anyhow, the only coherent sentence I could grant her doctor with right now was the one question that had been drifting through my mind ever since I was dismissed from the room, "Is Emma okay?"

"She's stable for now." The doctor, whose name was information I still hadn't gained yet, told me. It was clear to me that she also wished the outcome of the tests would've been different, with a more positive tendency, but alas none of us humans had the power to change such things. All we could do was hope and pray, pray for any kind of improvement.

I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated, as I clutched our baby tighter and pressed her against my chest, like I had done with Emma countless times. "What happened to her?" I asked, running my slightly trembling thumb over her soft cheek, which wasn't more than one inch bigger than my finger. It was one of my absentminded attempts to soothe the people I love, but this time I wasn't sure who I was trying to appease. Me or her, I didn't know.

She looked at me before opening her mouth to answer my question, the pity in her brown eyes instantly worrying me until I reached a certain point where I was desperate to get some answers. "Her blood pressure suddenly dropped and due to that their wasn't enough blood pumped to her brain causing her to faint. And in addition to that, her fever was so high it was dangerous. When ones body temperature is too high the proteins can boil. Kind of like a boiled egg. But we managed to lower it." She explained, but to say that it made me feel better, that it had pacified me like I had hoped it would wasn't something I could saw with certainty. "For now." She added quietly, the frown that had presented itself between her eyebrows betraying her. She had debated to tell me the last bit, and it was clear to me now.

"What caused this to happen?" I questioned, a sudden wave of cold rushing over me, it was bitingly cold, pulling at my clothes like an insistent lover would. I hadn't succeeded in figuring out what had triggered my body to sense the sudden cold, but I honestly wasn't too bothered about it. My girls were my main focus right now.

"We don't know yet, but we'll run some more tests." I sighed, loud enough for the nurse on the other end of the hallway to indistinctly hear me, judged by the weird glance she hit me with. The world of the unknown had always been a dark place for me. I was always so desperate to find the solution in the darkness, but often it would consume me and drive me mad. Emma was usually the only person to keep me on my path during those times. Perhaps our daughter could as well as she had become another reason for me to live, but I was still unsure about that. "Once she wakes up and her fever has dropped to an acceptable level we'll discharge her, but you have to check her body temperature every half hour, understood?"

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