8. Secret Revealed

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[I think you're all going to hate me after this.]

"I'm here for Killian Jones." She placed her hands on the counter, impatiently tapping against turquoise plastic. She knew it was annoying, but the woman had been rude to her. So, she kind of deserved it. She looked behind her to find David entering the hospital while she was still busy typing. When David had reached her, the woman finished and greeted the pair of eyes in front of her.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Emma nodded as David rubbed small circles on her back, in the hope it would soothe her. "Then I'm afraid I can't give you any information about his current condition. Only relatives are given access to that information." Emma raised her eyebrow, she gladly returned the favour.

"He doesn't have any relatives that are alive! Emma's the closest thing to a family he has!" David defended her.

"What about his father?" Emma felt every muscle in her trembling body freeze.

"He abandoned him when he was three." Emma quickly replied, hoping she wouldn't go deeper in on it as she swallowed hard. The shocked and concerned look on her face made Emma worry. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just feel sorry for the man." Emma knew she was lying, but she decided to leave it and focus on getting information about Killian. "I'll give his doctor a call and tell him you are waiting."

"Thank you." David kindly said while Emma tried to fake a generous smile, but failed miserably. He guided her towards the waiting room and they took place in the corner.

After one hour of torturous waiting, they finally got some news. Whether it was good or bad was debatable. "Family of Killian Jones?" He asked. Emma poked David and they both immediately shot up and rushed over towards the doctor. He had Killian's file in his right hand and his left was resting on top of a wooden cane. "I'm dr. House. Are you the girlfriend?" He looked in the direction of Emma. She nodded, a bit hesitatingly, but she did. "Well, he's going to die." She had the words ready in her mind, but somehow, she couldn't pronounce them. All what escaped her lips were quiet sobs. "Yeah, big shock I know." He said, making exaggerated gestures while David glared at him. "Anyway, I'll give you a moment to be dramatic and cry." He said before walking away.

"Wait!" Emma called. He turned around with a long and dramatic sigh. Oh, you think you've had a rough day? She thought to herself. "What do you mean with he's going to die?"

"He lost a lot of blood, too many for him to stay alive. So, unless you have the same blood type as him, which I highly doubt, he's going die within hours." She shook her head. She refused to believe she was going to lose him, not after they just became a couple again. She finally saw a bright future ahead of them, but apparently, fate had other plans. Fate's a bitch. She claimed in her head.

"I'll take you to his room." Shortly after they arrived at his room. You could see him fighting for his life, barely with conscious and all kinds of equipment attached to him. But soon all the efforts that were used to keep him alive would appear to be in vain. The doctor left and now it was only the two of them.

"David, I-I can't lose h-him." She sobbed, collapsing into his arms when her legs were too shaken to keep her standing. She buried her head in his shoulder, showing more emotions to someone who wasn't Killian or her mother than she ever had.

"And you're not going to." He assured her, rubbing her tensed back. "I need you to calm down, okay?" He pulled away from her and took her head between his large hands.

She nodded, erasing the tears from her cheeks. "B-but the doctor s-sai-"

"He's a survivor, Emma. He'll make it." He cut into her concerned words. She nodded, even though both knew the chance of surviving was minor. "You go see him, I'll stay out here."

"Thank you." She whispered before pushing the door open and stepping inside. The familiar beeping sound that showed the doctors the rhythm of his heart filled her ears as she approached him.

"Hey, babe." She whispered, planting a soft kiss to his burning forehead before sitting down on the chair beside his bed.

"Swan?" He groaned weakly, obviously in a lot of pain as he reached out for her hand. She picked up on his hint and threaded their fingers together, brushing her thumb along the back of his hand.

"Shh, you don't have to speak." She soothed him, playing with his thick hair.

"Did they tell you?" He asked, coughing a few times while speaking. She nodded, already feeling an ocean of tears forming behind her eyes, waiting for her to allow them to stream down her face.

"I don't know how to say goodbye." She chocked, letting the tears pour out of her eyes. He brought his hand to her cheek, caressing her smooth skin.

"Then don't." He told her, the sight of her soaked tears and cheeks covered with mascara stains made him cry as well.

Suddenly all the monitors started beeping loudly and moments later nurses came rushing into the room. Emma was removed from the room and the blinds were shut, blocking the view for Emma and David.

"What happened?" David asked.

"I-I don't know, we w-were talking a-and-" She stopped as realization his her like a truck. "This is all my fault, if I hadn't forced him to talk."

He grabbed her upper arms and forced her to look him in the eye. "Emma, calm down. Let's stay reasonable here. This isn't your-" His pep talk was interrupted by a nurse who exited Killian's room as she took off her plastic gloves.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Emma asked frantically.

"He's fine...for now. This is just his body's way of telling him he has a lack of blood." Her heart stopped beating as fast as it did before as a little bit of the stress eased.

They opened the blinds again and in that moment Emma knew she had to make a decision. She preferred not to call him, but she had no other option. He may hate her after he realized she kept this from him all the time, but at least he would still be alive.

"I'll be right back." She said, for the rest no emotions hidden in her voice. She heard David call after her, but she ignored him.

Once she was in a safe room, where she was positive no one could hear her, she dialed his number. He picked up at the third or fourth ring.

"Ms. Swan, what a pleasant surprise." She could hear his filthy grin in his creepy voice.

"Shut up, I don't need your small talk." She hissed. "I need your help. Killian had a car accident and I believe you are the only one who can give him blood. And before you ask, yes I know about your little secret."

"I'll be right there." He said before hanging up without another word.

Two hours later everything was arranged. Killian got the blood he needed and with that his life was saved. Emma entered his room after having a quick conversation with David and the nurses about what care Killian would be needing once he could go back home.

"So," Dr House said as he stepped inside the room. "It appears that you get to live a little longer. Whoopiess!" He cheered sarcastically before disappearing again.

"Is it just me or is that doctor slightly strange." Killian said once he was sure he couldn't hear them anymore.

"Nah, I like him." Emma giggled, playing with Killian's hair in the nape of his neck. "I do need to tell you something. I'm afraid I haven't been entirely forthright with you."

"Hold it right there, lass." Albert said as he entered the room. "I think I'd prefer to be the one to tell him."

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Killian yelled, regretting his actions when he felt a stinging pain in his chest. "How do you even live with yourself after what you did?" He spitted with disgust in his voice.

"Oh, I've done much more terrible things in my life, Killian." He informed them.

"I don't even want to know!" He yelled, groaning when his ribs disagreed with that movement.

"I need to tell you something. There's a reason you're still alive. Someone gave you blood...a relative." Albert paused for a second as Killian felt his heart beat everywhere but in his chest. "Killian...I am your father."

[Plot twist?]

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